The ocean refuses no river, no river.
Rhythm is a slow:
one TWO three four, one TWO three four, one TWO three four, one TWO three four.
smth like this более-менее phonetically, stress on underlined:
the O-o-shun re fu-u-zez no ri-i-ver, no ri-i-ver.
OK, now that we've gotten that settled. The song has two lines, the second one being in Arabic, so that's no help (Ishq Allah, mabud le' llah il-Allah).
Итак, а как по-русски?
Отказывает море никакой реке, никакой реке.
(the second никакой is eighths, or smth.).
is the best I've come up with. I don't even know if this is grammatical -is this a possibility at all? At least one problem is море and океан. Would be better to use океан. Can you possibly use откажет somehow?