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Thread: My friend sent me this...

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    My friend sent me this...

    >Kto-to prislal ETO mne. Ia peresylaiu ETO tebe!!!
    Mozhno kupit' dom, no ne ochag;
    mozhno kupit' krovat', no ne son;
    mozhno kupit' chasy, no ne vremia;
    mozhno kupit' knigu, no ne znanie;
    mozhno kupit' polozhenie, no ne uvazhenie;
    mozhno zaplatit' za doktora, no ne za zdorov'e;
    mozhno kupit' dushu, no ne zhizn';
    mozhno kupit' seks, no ne liubov'.
    Kitaiskoe nastavlenie prinosit udachu. Original khranitsia v Niderlandakh.
    Eto nastavlenie uzhe vosem' raz obletelo vokrug mira. I, odnako zhe, na etot raz
    ono prineset udachu tebe.
    Posle polucheniia etogo pis'ma ty stanesh' schastlivym. Eto ne shutka. K tebe
    pridet udacha.
    Pereshli po pochte ili Internetu eto pis'mo tem liudiam, kotorye nuzhdaiutsia v
    Ne posylai den'gi, potomu chto schast'e ne kupish'. Ne khrani pis'mo bolee 96
    chasov, v techenie etogo vremeni ego nuzhno pereslat'.
    Neskol'ko primerov togo, chto proizoshlo:
    Konstantin poluchil pis'mo v 1953 godu i poprosil svoiu sekretarshu sdelat' s
    nego 20 kopii; cherez 9 dnei on vyigral 9 millionov marok v natsional'nuiu
    Karlo, sluzhashchii, poluchil eto pis'mo i zabyl o nem. Cherez neskol'ko dnei
    on poterial rabotu. Togda pozdnee on pereslal eto pis'mo, prodolzhiv tsepochku,
    i k nemu prishel uspekh.
    V 1967 godu Bruno poluchil eto pis'mo i so smekhom vybrosil ego. Cherez
    neskol'ko dnei u nego zabolel syn. On otyskal pis'mo, sdelal s nego 20 kopii i
    razoslal ikh; cherez deviat' dnei on poluchil izvestie o tom, chto ego syn
    V 1987 godu pis'mo poluchil molodoi kaliforniets, kotoryi zametil, chto ono
    bylo nerazborchivo napisano. On poobeshchal sebe perepechatat' ego na mashinke,
    odnako otlozhil eto na potom. To est' on ne osvobodilsia ot pis'ma v
    posleduiushchie 96 chasov. Pozzhe on perepisal i pereslal ego, kak i bylo
    obeshchano, i poluchil novyi avtomobil'. Vposledstvii on pereslal ego,
    prodolzhiv schastlivuiu tsepochku.
    Ne zabud', ne posylai den'gi i ne podpisyvai pis'ma. Prosto poshli 20 kopii i
    podozhdi, chtoby uvidet', chto sluchit'sia cherez neskol'ko dnei.
    Nastavlenie bylo napisano missionerom s Antil'skikh ostrovov. Ia posylaiu ego
    tebe, potomu chto ty dolzhen pomoch' emu oboiti vokrug Zemli. Poshli 20 kopii
    svoim znakomym, druz'iam i podrugam. Spustia neskol'ko dnei ty poluchish' dobrye
    izvestiia ili u tebia sluchit'sia siurpriz.
    Eto pravda, dazhe esli ty ne sueveren.
    Etot listok byl poslan v kachestve udachi.
    Blagodaria komu-to, kto liubit tebia, schast'e sokhranit'sia ot tvoei peresylki.
    Udacha pridet k tebe primerno v techenie 4 dnei posle polucheniia etogo
    pis'ma, kotoroe prednaznachalos' tebe. Schast'e prishlo iz Venesuely, i ono bylo
    napisano Antoni de Krudom, iuzhnoafrikanskim missionerom.
    Teper' tvoia ochered' pereslat' ego.
    Posylai ne den'gi, a kopii tem liudiam, kotorye mogut mnuzhdat'sia v schast'e.
    Ne posylai den'gi, potomu chto u very net tseny.
    Ne khrani pis'mo, ono dolzhno pokinut' tvoi ruki v techenie 96 chasov.
    Ia proshu tebia poslat' kopii, i ty uvidish', chto sluchit'sia v techenii 4
    Sleduite instruktsii, i proizoidet chto-to khoroshee. Kogda v pervyi raz Anna
    Vichert poluchila pis'mo, ona proignorirovala ego i nedeliu spustia ot nee ushla
    ee liubov'.
    Pochemu mal'chiki liubiat devochek?
    1) Oni vsegda khorosho pakhnut, dazhe esli eto tol'ko ikh shampun'.
    2) Oni vsegda nakhodiat mesto dlia svoei golovy u nikh na pleche.
    3) Kak trogatel'no oni vygliadiat, kogda spiat!
    4) Oni vsegda teplye.
    5) Oni vsegda vygliadiat khorosho, chtoby oni ne nadeli!
    6) Oni vsegda ikh tseluiut, esli oni sdelali chto-to khoroshee.
    7) Oni tseluiut ikh, esli oni govoriat "Ia liubliu tebia!"
    Oni padaiut v ikh ruki, kogda plachut ili krichat.
    9) Oni govoriat "Ia skuchaiu po tebe!"
    Eta peresylka nachalas' v 1887 godu.
    V techenie chasa vy dolzhny poslat' ego 20 liudiam. Eto prosto, nuzhno vsego
    lish' zaglianut' v kakoi-nibud' chat i naiti adresa. Potom proizoidet takaia
    veshch': vy skazhete imia cheloveka, kotoryi vam nravitsia ili kotorogo vy
    liubite, i on skazhet "Ia liubliu tebia" ili priglasit na svidanie. Esli vy
    proignoriruite eto
    pis'mo, vas pokinet udacha v otnosheniiakh na 7 let! Ne zabud'te, eto pis'mo
    nuzhno poslat' 20 liudiam v techenie odnogo chasa! Udachi!!!
    I eshche v techenii 24-kh chasov tebia potseluet tot/ta na kogo ty zapadaesh'!
    Segodnia natsional'nyi den' potseluev!
    Esli ty ne obraduesh' etoi novost'iu drugikh 20 chelovek, Tebe 7 let ne budet
    vezti s etim, nu s etim samym delom! Test polnost'iu proveren na ch'em-to
    lichnom opyte. Cherez 4 dnia tebe kto-to priznaetsia v liubvi, kto deistvitel'no
    liubit tebia!!

    Is she angry??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
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    Why is she sending you a huge Russian text if you don't understand Russian?
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
    In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!

  3. #3
    Почётный участник
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    I dont know, that is why I was trying to get in translated. I know some words, but no where near enough.

    do you know what its about? if you can summarize it your more than welcome to
    thankyou for your reply

  4. #4
    Почётный участник
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    Okay, here's your nonsensical letter in English.

    Someone sent this to me, and I'm sending it to you. If you send this letter to 20 people during (here the author gets rather uncertain and names different periods from 1 hour to 4 days), you will gain some luck and will be happy. If not - you will be deprived of something by your fate.
    (here and there appear some examples of how utterly happy are those who believed in it and sent 20 copies out and what horrible things happened to those who dared to ignore the letter)
    In the conclusion your friend threatens you with sexual problems which will last for 7 years, if you do not start sending this letter out. He/she says it's been proved by someone's experience (maybe your poor friend means his own)
    Life is great and so are you

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Do people really beleive in chain letters?


  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    It's a chain letter in Russian lol!
    "If you don't submit this to 4876362 people by tomorrow, your underpants will turn carnivorous and consume your genitals"
    "С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
    Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
    Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
    на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Yeah, these letters are also called "письма счастья" ("отошли это письмо 30 000 своим друзьям, и будет тебе счастье!").
    Sir Krist, how old is your friend? Nine?

  8. #8
    Почётный участник
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    18 LOL this is quite a surprise maybe she was just passing it on. She has never sent anything like this to me before.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Gosh! I've been sent one recently. It's been several years that I received the last thing like that. But this time it was just a link to a website. So I clicked it, and here we are! There was some wicked photo of a guy with a spooky looking figure behind him. The text said that there was nobody besides that guy at that moment and after some time he died. Then someone realized it was the photo that did it. And if you wouldn't sens this link to 13(!) friends of yours, it'll be like thunder and lightening for you with all the possible troubles to you. And if you would, you'll be very happy, sane, lucky, etc.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    18 LOL this is quite a surprise maybe she was just passing it on. She has never sent anything like this to me before.
    You may want to check you PC for viruses not to pass the "surprise" onto your other correspondents.
    I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Did you ask your friend if it was actually sent by her? There are hundreds of thousands of infected computers out and about. They are used to send scam emails which usually ask for money. I didn't bother to read more than the first couple lines of this one. Are you supposed to send money to smb?

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