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Thread: How do you say "The sacrifice of hiding in a lie" in Russian?

  1. #41
    Почтенный гражданин Demonic_Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexB View Post
    No way! Don’t even think about it!
    Well, it might look something like that in a similar sentence, say: спрятавшись во лжи, я не могу быть в мире с самим собой, but note the additional o in во лжи. I don’t know if they teach you this in grammar books, but we add the "o" to make the sound flow. Without it it’s almost a tongue-twister whereas in в грязи, for example, your в sounds just fine, all in accordance with the rule you may have made your assumption on.
    Yes I do know of this rule, I just always forget it (also I didn't know it applied to the consonant cluster «лж» specifically... is there a list somewhere of the consonant clusters this rule applies to?)
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  2. #42
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Погрязши во лжи, в грязи, в долгах...

  3. #43
    Старший оракул
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    to OceanEyes
    Погрязши во лжи, в грязи, в долгах..
    That’s the thought. Погрязши во лжи,…it seems, would fit right in to make the ultimate
    “Погрязши (or Погрязший) во лжи, я не могу жить в мире с самим собой”.
    Yes, to add самим would be a change for the better. Don’t you think the English ”I cannot live with myself” looks a bit awkward either?

  4. #44
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    My only concerns are using Погрязши (or Погрязший) ("trapped" or "caught in" I suppose?) which I dont necessairly want to use... and having to insert "самим".
    What's the exact use and meaning of it? Im only asking because I've havent come across that word yet. :]

    I was perfectly fine with using "Immersed in lies, I cannot live with myself", which is the one I like the most.
    And to me, "I cannot live with myself" looks perfectly normal.

  5. #45
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    Ok, I missed this discussion. Your original attempt ("Кутаясь во лжи...") gave me an impression that you'd intended to say something like "Скрываясь за завесой лжи я теряю себя" (Hiding behind the curtain of lie I lose myself" (as in losing your identity). But I like the version with "погрязши" a lot.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes View Post
    I was perfectly fine with using "Immersed in lies, I cannot live with myself", which is the one I like the most.
    And to me, "I cannot live with myself" looks perfectly normal.
    Okay, that would do. "Погружённый в ложь (not во лжи), я не могу жить в мире с собой".
    But you might take a shot with another one though: “Запутавшись во лжи, не в силах больше быть в мире с самим собой”.
    The first phrase relates the feeling of hopelessness of your ever getting out of that puddle of lies you were thrown into against your will. You are stuck in there unable to free yourself. Not a perfect motto to live by. While in the second one you’ve been searching your way probing here and there for the right path, but sh**t happens, you took the wrong turn, you made a mistake, you got entangled in lies, you have gotten fed up with all this and you are ready to break free.
    Yes, definitely the second one, as is, no changes allowed any more.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexB View Post
    Yes, definitely the second one, as is, no changes allowed any more.

    Well... lol
    I'll be choosing one of these:
    Погружённый во лжи, я не могу жить с собой(saying "in lies" in this instance makes me feel better)
    Скрываясь за завесой лжи, я теряю себя

    And how would you define Погрязши/Погрязший?

    When it comes to Погрязши/Погрязший во лжи, я не могу жить в мире с самим собой and Запутавшись во лжи, не в силах больше быть в мире с самим собой, I just dont like them as much as the two above.
    For me, it's all about the simplicity and elegance... and being able to get the Russian and English that I want.

  8. #48
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    They are all basically the same to me and most of the folks on the planet, and I repeat, your plural English lies cannot be plural in Russian. It may look like plural (во лжи, за завесой лжи) but it’s singular anyway.
    You may take a look at a similar thread that was here a while back How do you saw Sweet Dreams in Russian?
    Let me quote myself from there
    If she thinks having a Russian tattoo on her arm would be good for her dreams, be that her way. In any case, Americans will see that as something mysterious with Russian flavor to it and a stray Russian stumbling upon her foreign arm may shed a tear or two on seeing a grammatically correct and possibly meaningful insignia implemented in dear to his heart Cyrillic script
    I think it still holds true to this very day.

  9. #49
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    Alright then, singular it is and singular is how it shall stay! :] (We definitely have this part straightened out now)

    Everything else has pretty much been decided.
    And thanks for all of the help!

    Now I am just going to wait and see how everything works out :]

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka View Post
    Ok, I missed this discussion. Your original attempt ("Кутаясь во лжи...") gave me an impression that you'd intended to say something like "Скрываясь за завесой лжи я теряю себя" (Hiding behind the curtain of lie I lose myself" (as in losing your identity). But I like the version with "погрязши" a lot.
    Today has been an interesting day. :]
    After thinking about all of my ideas, writing out everything in my classes instead of actually doing my work and spending all of my free time weighing my options, I decided to use some of what you said (the end result being: Погружённый во лжи, я теряю себя). I prefer your idea over the reflexive form. :]

    Now I know exactly what I want. :]

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