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Thread: How do I say the best in Russian

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    How do I say the best in Russian

    How do I say the following in Russian?

    Peter is the best.

    Stefan is the best.

    Natahlie is the best.

    You are the best.

    By the way I don't know the Russian word for 'best'.

  2. #2
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Markarios
    How do I say the following in Russian?
    Peter is the best.
    Stefan is the best.
    Natahlie is the best.
    You are the best.
    By the way I don't know the Russian word for 'best'.
    Петер - лучший (or Петер рУлит (in context sleng), что в принципе более правильно, имхо. Не путать с рулИт, от вождение, рулИть, управлять (машиной))
    По-русски обычно говорят лучший в чём-то.

    Стефан рУлит (вообще глагол со всеми именами собственными не будет изменяться в данном случае)
    НО Ты рУлишь!

    Если рассматривать прилагательное "лучший", то Натали (жен.р.) будет лучшая. Остальные формы без изменения.
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  3. #3
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Markarios
    How do I say the following in Russian?

    Peter is the best.

    Stefan is the best.

    Natahlie is the best.

    You are the best.

    By the way I don't know the Russian word for 'best'.
    The translation depends on context.

    "Рулит" would work ONLY in some specific context!
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  4. #4
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Thanks for the replies.
    You have written a lot of Russian. I can't understand them.
    The context here is not anything special. You work very well. It seems you know everything.
    In similar contexts I always say you are the best.

    Nathali is a girl.

    So the following is correct.
    Натали лучший.
    Please tell me if I am wrong.

    How do I pronounce the word 'лучший'?
    What is the corresponding noun?
    I could look at the word in a dictionary.

  5. #5
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Nathali is a girl.
    So the following is correct.
    So the following was wrong.
    Натали лучшая is the correct one.

    You are the best. - "Ты лучший!" or "Ты лучшая!" (to a girl)
    It's an informal phrase and it's usually used by friends.

    But this phrase excepted, the best (adj) is often translated as самый лучший (самая лучшая, самое лучшее and other forms).

    How do I pronounce the word 'лучший'?
    I don't think you can pronounce it properly or even understandable if you haven't learnt Russian sounds and reading rules. ) It will probably be a mere apology for Russian phrase and native speakers will have to make efforts to understand you. Of course, you can try, but I would play it safe and print/write the text (to show it if people don't undestand what I've said).

    abehterev, it's slang, not sleng. И с такими вопросами обращаются обычно те, кто русского не знает, даже читать на нем не умеет (вот и аскер твоих объяснений не понял). А "рулить" — это вообще-то to rule.
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  6. #6
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    The most universal translation will be...

    Пётр/Стефан/Натали/ты -- лучше всех!

    Literalli that means "Peter/Stefan/Natahlie/You -- the best of all."
    ~ Мастерадминов Мастерадмин Мастерадминович ~

  7. #7
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaya
    И с такими вопросами обращаются обычно те, кто русского не знает, даже читать на нем не умеет (вот и аскер твоих объяснений не понял). А "рулить" — это вообще-то to rule.
    Sorry for sleng (slang). But i don't thing about Russian knowledge.
    But рУлит, no руЛить, даже и не знаю как инфинитив-то будет.
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  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    На самом деле, слово рУлит к русскому языку имеет весьма отдаленное отношение.
    Это словечко, наверное, однокоренное со словом руль (рулевое колесо автомобиля), но в обиход слово рУлить (применяемое не к средствам транспорта) пришло из английского языка от слова rule (править). Есть у них там фразочки типа "we rule" (в смысле "мы лучшие") и т. д. Кстати, пришедшее из Фидонета словечко rulez - оттуда же (в смысле, сначала было rules, потом было переделано в rulez, и уж затем в "рулез" в смысле "круто", "стильно", "современно"). Сильно подозреваю, что слово руль имеет какое-то отношение к слову rule, но в тонкости я не углублялся. Употребление же фразочек "он рулит", "мы рулим" и пр. стали именно как производные от слова rulez, а не от слова "рулить". Тем более, что смыслы всё-таки немного разные.
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  9. #9
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Markarios
    The context here is not anything special.
    The context IS a very very special thing when you translate from one language to another.

    In many contexts, when you say "Natalie is the best!" in English, we don't say "Натали лучшая!" in Russian. If you don't care about it, then you can easily use "Натали лучшая". Best wishes.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  10. #10
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Thanks everyboy for the replies.
    Ramil has written everything in Russian without considering my standard of Russian.

    I have studied Russian in the past and have a collection of Russian grammar books. I even bought a big Oxford Russian dictionary which has 1340 pages.

    I have forgotten a lot. I need some help from this forum to brush up on my Russian.

    "Ты лучший!" or "Ты лучшая!
    I guess the following syllables are in order to pronounce the word.

    ' lushya '
    Please help me.
    .................................................. ......
    Петер OR Пëтер
    What is the correct way of writing Peter in Russian?
    This letter ' ë ' doesn't exist in Russian if my memory serves me well.

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Markarios
    Ramil has written everything in Russian without considering my standard of Russian.
    Sorry, I didn't thought of that, but my comment was a bit off topic and intended primarily for abehterev and it was about using of the word 'рулить' in this context. I said that between the original meaning of this verb in Russian (to steer) and the slang meaning of it (which came from the English 'to rule'), even though they share the same stem (or so I think), lies a rather profound difference, so I woudn't suggest this word for a valid equivalent.

    I've also a comment for your original question. Technically, you can translate the phrase 'you're the best' as an appraisal into Russian literally (Ты лучший!), but it doesn't sound natural for some reason. I can think of only few occasions where I would use such a remark (very few indeed). Thus, to answer your question correctly it wouldn't harm to know why the speaker thinks that 'Peter is the best' -- best at what?

    In different cases different phrases should be used to express the feelings (or emotions) of a speaker and not just the meaning of a phrase. Russian language is very sensitive to such newances sometimes.
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  12. #12
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Technically, you can translate the phrase 'you're the best' as an appraisal into Russian literally (Ты лучший!), but it doesn't sound natural for some reason. I can think of only few occasions where I would use such a remark (very few indeed).
    Для меня эта фраза звучит как рекламный слоган, она явно слизана с английского выражения. Но для подростков "Ты лучший!" может звучать иначе (привычней), не знаю. Может, автору как раз и нужно, чтобы его слова произвели такое впечатление (в конце концов строго судить его не будут, иностранец же). Раз мы не можем добиться контекста, пусть выбирает любой вариант.

    Употребление же фразочек "он рулит", "мы рулим" и пр. стали именно как производные от слова rulez, а не от слова "рулить".
    Да, это я непрвильно выразилась. Я имела в виду, что не предложила бы такую фразу в качестве перевода he is the best и т. д. (в этом случае).

    What is the correct way of writing Peter in Russian?
    There are many correct ways.
    Петер (a German name)
    Петр, Пётр (if we speak about one of the twelve apostles)
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  13. #13
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaya
    Но для подростков "Ты лучший!" может звучать иначе (привычней), не знаю.
    Да и они так тоже не говорят. Они скорее скажут "ты супер" или "ты крут".
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  14. #14
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Thanks everybody for the comments.


    When I say you are the best it borders humour than substance.
    I do say to people that you are the best all the time

    Sometimes you say to a girl that she is very beautiful.

    In reality there is great likelihood that the girl in question doesn't pass the test ( if any) which gauges her beauty.

    You just joke or rather keen on arousing some fun among the friends and the well-wishers.
    By the way, you wrote 'newances'. Is it typo? I think it should be 'nuances'.

    Nobody answered on my question on pronunciation.

    лучший or лучшая

    I suggested the following:
    Please tell me.

    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...
    Thanks for telling me the various ways of writing the name Peter.

    However, ' ë ' is not in Russian alphabet. I hope my memory serves me well.

  15. #15
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Markarios
    I do say to people that you are the best all the time
    Then, however annoying that is, it would be a different Russian phrase in every case.

    In situations you describe it most likely would be "ты супер!", and not "ты лучший!". The pronunciation is "soop'er" (the p is soft).

    However, ' ë ' is not in Russian alphabet. I hope my memory serves me well.
    Unfortunately, it doesn't.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  16. #16
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Thanks Оля

    Yes 'Ë' is a vowel. My memory is weak. On the other hand I studied Russian some 5 or 6 years ago. I have forgotten a lot. However, I have a good collection of Russian grammars at home.
    I am attempting to study some Russian in September. I have applied for a course. It is very unlikely they will allow me to study.

    I studied those courses before. They see the results on their computers. The authorities won't allow people to re-study. These are some funny rules in this country. They say it is a cost for the schools as well as to the society.
    There are private schools which offer Russian courses. They are very expensive. They charge about 500 dollars for a single course. It is beyond my budget.

    ты супер!

    Could you tell me the endings for feminine and masculine?

  17. #17
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    "Супер" is indeclinable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Markarios
    These are some funny rules in this country.
    In which country? )
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  18. #18
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Thanks Zaya

    I am in Sweden.

    I have forgotten a lot of Russian. I know nouns in Russian are split into 3 genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter.
    лучший or лучшая

    Did you know why 'Супер' is different?

  19. #19
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Markarios
    Did you know why 'Супер' is different?
    Because it's not an adjective. Also, it's a loanword, and it's rather slang, actually.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  20. #20
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: How do I say the best in Russian

    Thanks Оля

    So it is not an adjective. Russian is different.

    I have some friends and I wrote their name in Russian.

    Please correct them.
    I know what I have written is not perfect.

    Ida Johansson. [ Ида Джоханссон. ]

    Daniel Svensson. [ Дэниел Свенссон.]

    Peter Wallin [ Питер Воллин ]

    Lena Wallin [ Лина Воллин ]

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