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Thread: Hi I need help translating this

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
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    Hi I need help translating this

    Привет солнце !! Клевые фотки, только по-моему чуть-чуть не веселые,
    хотя да вы-то взрослые сурьезные люди и все такое. У нас со среды по
    воскресенье были выходные блин лучше бы их не было я уже со среды на
    четверг так обколбасился домой вернулся вчетверг вечером лег спать
    проснк\улся и стало мне так ...уево что хоть вешайся. Представляешь и рядом ни
    одной души ТОСКА зеленая . Ну потоскавал чуть - чуть а пототм понял знать
    судьба такая. Взал полтора лдитра чилийского красного и протусовался
    следующие сутки один дома в тишине и хмельном покое . Слава всем началась
    рабочая неделя ( МАМА я так рад что меня не колбасит и что нет
    отходняков ) идет нормальная жизнь дела - заботы ближайшие три недели буду
    сильно занят надо закончить дела т.к. 6 июля улетаю в Крым на две недельки.
    А вМоскве 15 градусов тепла не жарко самая погода для работы . ВОТ ТАК
    и живу. БЛИН.Пока что все поеду обедать знакомые зовут . Обнимаю крепко ПОКА.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Северо-Восточный Администритивный Округ.
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    i read this throgh a couple times, and while i understand it in russian. ALOT is spelled wrong, and there are quite a few run on sentences that are nearly impossible to accurately translate... hmm this is my try...

    Hello sun(shine) !! (cool?) pictures , only, in my opinion, a little uncheerful, though, yes all adult people are like that (??i guess..) We have wedensday and sunday off, but crap it would be better if it was thursday, so "обколбасился" has come home thursday in the evening to sleep and become to me so... that have to be hung up (wow this person has a problem with run on sentences and spelling). You imagine, you are next to one melencholy soul (???) potoskaval, a little bit and then understood to know such destiny. took one and a half (lditra) Chilean red and (protusovalsja) The next day one of houses in silence and intoxicated rest. (i really have no idea how to translate this, it doesn't make much sense to me in russian). Words all began the working week (MOM, im so glad that im am not pissed off and not "отходняков"), and then normal life continues- the closest cares in three weeks i will need to really make use of to end these cares. t.k. on the 6th of july, im flying off to Крым (Crimea,i think?) for two weeks. And in moscow, 15 degrees of heat is not the hottest weather for working. HOW SO i live. well, CRAP that is all, im going to go eat dinner, friends are calling. Big hug! Bye bye.

    zemun2, maybe you are in a little over your head ? If you are interested in learning russian, wait a few months before corrisponding to russian ALL in russian, about such things.

    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Mowcow, Russia
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    Re: Hi I need help translating this

    Here is my version:

    Hi sunshine!! Kewl pics, but they look a little sad to me, but of course, you grown-up people are serious and all that. We had holidays from Wednesday through Sunday, dam, I wish we hadn’t them; Wednesday night I was already so boozed up… I came back home on Thursday night, went to bed, then woke up and was feeling so *uked up that I was almost ready to hang myself. And not a single living soul near me, can you imagine? DUMPS. So I was having these blues for some time, and then I realized that this must be my fate. So I bought 1,5 liters* of Chilean red wine and spent the next 24 hours at home in silence and drunken peace. Thanks to everybody, weekdays started (O my mother** how I am glad not to be drank and to have no hangovers). A normal life is going on, business, duties and stuff, so that I will be very busy during the next 3 weeks: I have to complete some matters because on July 6 I am going to Crimea for about 2 weeks. It is +15*** in Moscow, not too hot, just the right weather to work in. So THAT’S HOW I live. That’s it for the moment, I’ll go to have a dinner, some people I know are inviting me. Hugging you tightly, BYE.

    *About 3 pints
    **This is something like “Oh, boy” or “Oh, my god”.
    ***Centigrade. I think this is something like +57° F

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
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    Thank You people on your effort.

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