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Thread: Hi guys need some help with a poem

  1. #1
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    Hi guys need some help with a poem

    can u help me translate this poem, my girlfriend sent it to me

    Я сегодня прольюсь дождем,
    Чтоб в автобус ты сесть не смог,
    И пошел бы домой пешком,
    Весь насквозь до нитки промок.

    Буду рядом с тобой идти,
    Что-то на ухо тихо шептать,
    И бессовестно по пути
    На глазах у всех обнимать.

    Не заметит никто ничего,
    Да и ты вряд ли что-то поймешь…
    Просто я, чтоб побыть с тобой,
    Превратилась сегодня в дождь...

  2. #2
    SAn is offline
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    Re: Hi guys need some help with a poem

    My translation:
    I will turn into a rain and pour today, [or: «I will pour today as a rain»]
    That you can not get into a bus, [That is very strange: how the rain is connected with the opportunity of getting into a bus?]
    And you will have to go by foot
    Getting wet to the skin.

    I will go near to you,
    I will whisper silently something to your ears,
    And I will unscrupulously embrace you on the way
    For all to see.

    But nobody will notice anything,
    And you hardly will understand something…
    Just I turned today into a rain,
    To stay for a short time with you...
    I can give you an advice:
    1) go to
    2) change site language at the right-upper corner to English
    3) select translation direction at the bottom-left corner to «Russian to English translation, General lexicon»
    4) Paste your poem to the left field
    5) Press «Translate» button
    6) You will get a result in the right field:
    I will spill today a rain,
    That in the bus you could not sit down,
    Also would go home on foot,
    All through to a thread has got wet.

    Near to you I will go,
    Something on an ear silently to whisper,
    And unscrupulously on the way
    In the face of all to embrace.

    Anybody will not notice anything,
    And you hardly will understand something …
    Simply I to stay with you,
    Has turned today to a rain...
    Not very bad, I say...

  3. #3
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    Re: Hi guys need some help with a poem

    thanks SAn

    btw before i posted here i tried some computer software translations and the result was medium
    there is nothing like a real translation

    thanks again

  4. #4
    SAn is offline
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    Re: Hi guys need some help with a poem

    «Result was medium»?

    In Russia we say that way:
    — The result of automatic translation is average.
    — Average?
    — Yep. Average between bad and very bad.

  5. #5
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    Re: Hi guys need some help with a poem

    Quote Originally Posted by Harris_
    Я сегодня прольюсь дождем,
    Чтоб в автобус ты сесть не смог,
    I'd translate it this way:

    I'll turn into rain and spill,
    So that you can't take the bus

    But I, too, do not see any logic in it.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Hi guys need some help with a poem

    The logic is simple: enterng public transport with pets and weather phenomena is not allowed.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Hi guys need some help with a poem

    this poem is really gay

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