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Thread: Help with a problem at work (phonetic translation if poss)

  1. #1
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    Help with a problem at work (phonetic translation if poss)

    Hi there,
    I work at a dentist and we have a Russian patient, shes only 9 yrs old and has been brought to England on a scheme to help under-privillaged children in Russia. The family she is staying with dont speak Russian and she doesnt speak English. She needs to have some treatment done and it would be really helpful if someone could translate even a couple of the following phrases into Russian and then to spell them phonetically so that I can say them to her. I would be so greatful as would the little girl as I think it would make her more at ease with the whole thing.

    "hello Nastia, you did very well last time, youre family must be very proud."

    "you have a tooth to take out today, we need to take it out before the hole gets bigger, and the tooth starts to hurt."

    "Were going to make the tooth sleepy, so you wont be able to feel it when we remove it, you stay awake, only the tooth and part of your mouth goes to sleep. It will wake up, and be normal again in a couple of hours."

    "This may scratch a little, and feel a bit uncomfy, keep nice and still for us, it wont take long."

    "open wide"

    "if you feel any pain put your hand up"

    "lots of pushing, and wobbling, and probably some strange noises! "

    "bite together tight for 15 minutes."

    "you are doing really well"

    "big deep breaths"

    "this is for you to read. it tells you what to do now"

    "you just need (one, two, three) fillings (or repairs?) now"

    "you've done so well, well done! good girl"

    Even if it was a couple of the more simple things like "you are doing really well" it would make things easier for her.

    Thankyou so much in advance for anything you can do

    Willow x

  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    How old is the girl? I don't think a phonetic translation would work for positive, encouraging statements, because of the way you need to say them. Accent and innotation do make a big difference. Perhaps you know someone around there who speaks Russian? And could translate for you.

  3. #3
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    I really hope that would help you,Willow:

    "hello Nastia, you did very well last time, youre family must be very proud."

    Zdravstvuj Nastia, v proshlij raz ti vela sebya malatsom.

    "you have a tooth to take out today, we need to take it out before the hole gets bigger, and the tooth starts to hurt."
    Segodnya nuzhno vitaschit zubik, a to dyrka stanet bol'she i zub zabolit!

    "Were going to make the tooth sleepy, so you wont be able to feel it when we remove it, you stay awake, only the tooth and part of your mouth goes to sleep. It will wake up, and be normal again in a couple of hours."
    Seichas zubik zasnyot, ya zdelayu ukol'chik. Ty dazhe nichego ne pachuvstvuesh, kogda my yevo vytaschim.

    "This may scratch a little, and feel a bit uncomfy, keep nice and still for us, it wont take long."
    SEITCHAS BUDET CHUT-CHUT NEPTIYATNO, no ty poterpi , eto sovsem nedolgo.
    "open wide"
    shirako atkroy rot

    "if you feel any pain put your hand up"
    esli bol'no, padnimi ruku

    "lots of pushing, and wobbling, and probably some strange noises! "
    Sorry, i can't help here (

    "bite together tight for 15 minutes."
    (to keep teeth tight, yes?) Na pyatnatsat' minut sazhmi krepka zupki

    "you are doing really well"
    Umnichka, maladets

    "big deep breaths"
    Dyshi glubako

    "this is for you to read. it tells you what to do now"
    vot eto prochitaj, zdes' napisano, shto tebe delat'

    "you just need (one, two, three) fillings (or repairs?) now"
    Seichas nado postavit' odnu/dve/tri plomby

    "you've done so well, well done! good girl"
    Solnyshko, vse harasho, umnichka

    Good luck :P

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    This is OT but -- clench your teeth for FIFTEEN minutes???

    I agree with the poster who said essentially - hire a translator!

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natusya
    I really hope that would help you,Willow:

    "hello Nastia, you did very well last time, youre family must be very proud."

    Zdravstvuj Nastia, v proshlij raz ti vela sebya malatsom.

    "you have a tooth to take out today, we need to take it out before the hole gets bigger, and the tooth starts to hurt."
    Segodnya nuzhno vitaschit zubik, a to dyrka stanet bol'she i zub zabolit!

    "Were going to make the tooth sleepy, so you wont be able to feel it when we remove it, you stay awake, only the tooth and part of your mouth goes to sleep. It will wake up, and be normal again in a couple of hours."
    Seichas zubik zasnyot, ya zdelayu ukol'chik. Ty dazhe nichego ne pachuvstvuesh, kogda my yevo vytaschim.

    "This may scratch a little, and feel a bit uncomfy, keep nice and still for us, it wont take long."
    SEITCHAS BUDET CHUT-CHUT NEPTIYATNO, no ty poterpi , eto sovsem nedolgo.
    "open wide"
    shirako atkroy rot

    "if you feel any pain put your hand up"
    esli bol'no, padnimi ruku

    "lots of pushing, and wobbling, and probably some strange noises! "
    Sorry, i can't help here (

    "bite together tight for 15 minutes."
    (to keep teeth tight, yes?) Na pyatnatsat' minut sazhmi krepka zupki

    "you are doing really well"
    Umnichka, maladets

    "big deep breaths"
    Dyshi glubako

    "this is for you to read. it tells you what to do now"
    vot eto prochitaj, zdes' napisano, shto tebe delat'

    "you just need (one, two, three) fillings (or repairs?) now"
    Seichas nado postavit' odnu/dve/tri plomby

    "you've done so well, well done! good girl"
    Solnyshko, vse harasho, umnichka

    Good luck :P
    It's good, I don't mean to criticize but you probably want to explain your transliteration, as J should be pronounced as Y in Play, not as J in John. It's really hard to explain to someone who doesn't know any Russian at all.

    Other things U is always OO, not as U in "but".
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  6. #6
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    Also, since she's 9. And the dentist knows no russian, then 'Hello' Is just fine has "Privet". Hell never be able to say 'zdraracvstu'.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  7. #7
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    Ну короче я ему все перевел и в mp3 озвучил так что тема закрыта, господа.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DagothWarez
    Ну короче я ему все перевел и в mp3 озвучил так что тема закрыта, господа.
    My English isn't so good, зато с русским все в порядке ))
    I'll be very thankful, if you correct my mistakes.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by pranki
    Quote Originally Posted by DagothWarez
    Ну короче я ему все перевел и в mp3 озвучил так что тема закрыта, господа.
    Ему я уже отправил по мылу. А остальным зачем? Ну если есть куда могу выложить. Куда только?

  10. #10
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    Girl visiting dentist

    If someone would translate the sentences to russian, with accented vowels, I can translate it using english phonetics that a non-russian speaking person can come close to pronouncing it. I have done this before with my own adopted girl from russia. This 9 year old girl should be able to read russian.
    "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a person perfected without trials."

  11. #11
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    Re: Girl visiting dentist

    Quote Originally Posted by zakuski
    If someone would translate the sentences to russian, with accented vowels, I can translate it using english phonetics that a non-russian speaking person can come close to pronouncing it. I have done this before with my own adopted girl from russia. This 9 year old girl should be able to read russian.
    If you didn’t understand what I’ve wrote earlier
    Quote Originally Posted by DagothWarez
    Ну короче я ему все перевел и в mp3 озвучил так что тема закрыта, господа.
    I’ll translate it especially for you. “I’ve already translated everything and recorded mp3 and sent stuff via e-mail so you may consider topic as closed”. He is happy know and torturing children as usual.

  12. #12
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    Re: Girl visiting dentist

    Quote Originally Posted by DagothWarez
    If you didn’t understand what I’ve wrote earlier
    Quote Originally Posted by DagothWarez
    Ну короче я ему все перевел и в mp3 озвучил так что тема закрыта, господа.
    I’ll translate it especially for you. “I’ve already translated everything and recorded mp3 and sent stuff via e-mail so you may consider topic as closed”. He is happy know and torturing children as usual.
    Ну перевел -- отлично. Но тема еще не закрыта, так что каждый волен писать что хочет. Че так напрягаться?
    My English isn't so good, зато с русским все в порядке ))
    I'll be very thankful, if you correct my mistakes.

  13. #13
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    Re: Girl visiting dentist

    Quote Originally Posted by pranki
    Ну перевел -- отлично. Но тема еще не закрыта, так что каждый волен писать что хочет. Че так напрягаться?
    Да пиши чего хочешь, ради Христа за пазухой. Только ему это уже не надо. Чего сам то напрягся?

  14. #14
    dzh is offline
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    а вот и не подерётесь =)

  15. #15
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    Я хоть и опоздал, но выскажу своё мнение. Неужели сложно было найти мало-мальского переводчика?! Да и вообще, каким образом получилось так, что ни одна сторона, ни другая не кумекает, как сказать то-то и то-то, но однако у них есть договорённость к сотрудничеству... Маразм! Всё опять возвращается к переводчику, которого почему-то никто не выделил, хотя знал, что проблема просто большая.

    В общем, я желаю, чтобы у них всё прошло хорошо!
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

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