Hello !
I need to translate the first question and answer the second as a question
1-He rocks ( hope you have something like this in Russian but i guess it also means he is an awesome)
2-How can i make a comparison between 2 things
for example if i want to say " people are like Volcanoes can remain dormant for many years (or for centuries) but when they wake up from their sleep , no one can stay/stop eruption ( it is a comparison to explain that people can't be patient forever and they revolutionize one day ) "
it will be люди как Вулканы могут пробыть в спячке много лет (или в течение веков) , но когда они пробуждаются, никто не может остановить извержение ( это сравнение объяснить, что люди не могут быть пациентом всегда, и они в один прекрасный день революции)
or there is another way to do it because i know that i can use also " какая , какие , какой " for comparison but i dont know how and i said this sentence "люди как вулканы " right or not ?