I visited Ukraine and Russia last year and I just got an email from someone I met over there. Although I've learned to speak some Russian I can't really read it yet. Could someone please translate it for me.
I visited Ukraine and Russia last year and I just got an email from someone I met over there. Although I've learned to speak some Russian I can't really read it yet. Could someone please translate it for me.
Пишет тебе Марина из Москвы. Мы познакомились на международном конгрессе в Киеве.
Извини, что не писала раньше так как не было возможности. Но лучше поздно чем никогда!
На память отправляю фотографию пусть она напомнит тебе эти теплые дни Августа 2003 года.
И даст тебе Господь изобилие во всех благах,
Откроет тебе Господь добрую сокровищницу Свою,
Сделает тебя Господь главою, а не хвостом, и будешь только на высоте, а не будешь внизу, если будешь повиноваться заповедям Господа, Бога твоего, которые заповедую тебе сегодня хранить и исполнять!
The problem was in a wrong encoding. Copy all the text into Notepad, then save it as .txt file and then open that file in Internet Explorer and select KOI8-R encoding ( View->Encoding->Cyrillic(KOI8-R)).
That's it.
Thank you so much!!!
It's Marina from Moscow writing to you. We met at International Congress in Kiev. Please forgive me that I haven't written to you earlier but I had no possibility to do that. Well it's better late than never! I'm sending you a photo, let it remind you those warm days of August 2003. And let the Lord give you plenty of everything, open His own treasury to you, make you a head but not a tail. And you'll be on elevation but not beneath if you would follow to the commandments of the Lord your God. And I advise you today to keep and fulfil those commandments!
You're very welcomeOriginally Posted by amyn
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