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Thread: could yopu help me in translating this for my friend by ASAP

  1. #1
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    could yopu help me in translating this for my friend by ASAP

    I need help to translate this, could you help me ASAP:

    Hello Irina,
    Today, due to the painter it is not possible to climb the stairs; so could you clean the lower leve of the house. Could you concentrate on kitchen, office, play room and main living roon
    I hope everythings is ok for you ; if not don't hesitate to tell

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Здравствуйте, Ирина!
    Сегодня из-за малярных работ (or literally из-за маляра ) невозможно пользоваться лестницей. Поэтому не могли бы вы убрать первый этаж дома, особенно кухню, кабинет, игровую и главную гостиную.
    Я надеюсь у вас все в порядке. Если нет, не колеблясь сообщите.
    До свидания

    Zdravstvuyte, Irina!
    Segodn'a iz-za mal'arnykh rabot nevozmozhno pol'zovat'sa lestnitsey. Poetomu ne mogli by vy ubrat' perviy etazh doma, osobenno kukhn'u, kabinet, igrovuyu i glavnuyu gostinuyu.
    Ya nadeyus' u vas vse v por'adke. Esli net, ne kolebl'as' soobshchite.
    Do svidania
    "Happy new year, happy new year
    May we all have a vision now and then
    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hello to whom helped me with my translate,
    Thanks again this is very helpful for me

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    You are welcome!
    "Happy new year, happy new year
    May we all have a vision now and then
    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    For some reason this topic makes me very sad.

  6. #6
    Will someone translate my letter too?

    Dear Ludmilla,

    I know this is probably not how you thought your life turned out. But do not be sad, the world needs housecleaners too. I am having second thoughts about the positioning of the furniture in the living room. Recently I have been reading a Feng Shui guide to inner harmony to keep my mind from turning to road rage during rush hour, so I was wondering if you could move the chairs and entertainment console to how I have them positioned in the attached map.

    On Friday the girls from the Lionesses' Association are coming over to discuss our upcoming walk-a-thon for the poor. I would appreciate it if you would avoid coming into the living room during this time, as my wife says your wandering eye makes some of the ladies feel uncomfortable. Just leave the snacks on the coffee table before they get here.

    I just wanted to tell you as well that we are very glad to have you and you have been a wonderful housekeeper and babysitter. At first I was worried about employing a legal immigrant, but it turns out that you are willing to work for just as little! And your discussions with the children about astrophysics, your minor in school, are very appreciated and encouraged (during your scheduled breaks). Oh, I forgot to mention that the downstairs toilet is clogged. We are out of gloves, but there is some liquid soap under the sink you can use afterwards.


    Your employer

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Hey, look, Mike totally found what it was that was depressing me! Except what you really needed to get in there was a demeaning reference to your house slave as your "friend."

  8. #8
    Старший оракул
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    What is "walk-a-thon"?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    с. Хреновое Воронежской обл.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Propp
    What is "walk-a-thon"?

    It is a thing where a bunch of people pay money to do a big march through town, and the money goes to some cause like curing leukemia or feeding homeless. Sometimes they get businesses to sponsor them too.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Линдзи
    Hey, look, Mike totally found what it was that was depressing me! Except what you really needed to get in there was a demeaning reference to your house slave as your "friend."
    She is not a slave. She has entered a voluntary contract. Ludmilla has the choice between being deported or working an honest day's work for an honest wage, minus room and board and expenses. Such a pair of choices is perhaps not desirable for her, but the decision she made was free from coercion on my part and is thus a completely moral one. And it is interesting that you mention this. I actually met Ludmilla as a foreign exchange student in Leningrad in the early 80s. She was my tutor in biology and used to tell me if I did not study harder I would establish a routine of laziness and failure in life that would follow me forever. Funny how that worked out, isn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Propp
    What is "walk-a-thon"?
    It is like a marathon only you don't mar.

  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин
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    да всё там же!
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    Life always plays tricks

    Дорогая ЛЮдмила,

    Я понимаю, ты не ожидала что твоя жизнь сложится именно так. Но не расстраивайся, уборщицы тоже нужны. Я тут подумал и решил сделать перестановку мебели в гостиной. Я недавно прочитал справочник Фен Шуй по достижению внутренней гармонии, которая поможет преодолеть ту ярость, возникающую у меня на дорогах во время часа пик. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты передвинула стулья и игровую приставку в соответствии с приложенной картой.

    В пятницу ко мне придут девушки из ассоциации Lionesses к которыми мы обсудим предстоящую благотворительную акцию для малоимущих. Я бы хотел, чтобы во время нашей беседы ты не входила в гостиную, так как по словам моей жены твой блуждающий взгляд смущает некоторых присутствующих. Просто оставь закуску на кофейном столике перед их приходом.

    Также хочу тебе сказать, мы очень рады, что у нас такая замечательная горничная и сиделка. Вначале я колебался нанимать ли легального иммигранта, но в итоге вышло так, что ты согласилась работать........ мы поощеряем твои разговоры с детьми об астрофизике, minor in school в свое свободное время. Ах да, кстати, забыл совсем, у нас забился туалет внизу. Перчатки кончились, но под раковиной есть жидкое мыло, которым ты можешь воспользоваться.

    С уважением,

    Don't know what means
    minor in school
    to work for just as little!
    Пораскинул мозгами, теперь собираюсь с мыслями.

  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Jesus Victor! It was just a joke...
    Army Anti-Strapjes
    Nay, mats jar tripes
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    Jerpty Samaritans
    Pijams are tyrants
    Jana Sperm Tit Arsy

  13. #13
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    hmmm I wish I knew what he said...hey since this is the translating area......
    HOO HAA!! It's a signature

  14. #14
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbouldr
    hmmm I wish I knew what he said...hey since this is the translating area......
    Victor translated the "letter" mike posted earlier in this thread... Mike posted this letter as a parody on the "I have a stupid message, please translate" requests. Victor thought it was a genuine request.
    "мужчина в самом рассвете сил"

  15. #15
    Why does everyone think my letter is fake? I need this before Friday!

  16. #16
    Почтенный гражданин
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    да всё там же!
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    Why does everyone think my letter is fake?
    Mike, I don't.
    Пораскинул мозгами, теперь собираюсь с мыслями.

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