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Thread: Could someone please give me a similar word in english for "мась"

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Could someone please give me a similar word in english for "мась"

    She is a "more than friends" woman to me and her sentence to me was "Good morning<мась!"

    Is it sort of similar to "honey," "sweety," or maybe "jerk" ? lol

    Thank you in advance!

    PS.. and if possible, can you tell me why she always uses "<" in sentences.. What is the equivalent of that in english?

  2. #2
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Мась is apparently an endearment, something you tell to someone you have an affection for. An English equivalent? Hard to say, don't think there is any rather than dear, darling and so on. Мась can also be a way to shorten a name like Maxim, Masha in an endearing kind of way.

    As for "<" in sentences... Well, I can see what's going on. You see on the Russian keyboard layout you type both a comma and dot with the same key depending on whether or not you're holding down the shift key. In turn, the same thing happens with "<" and "," on the English layout. The thing is to type in a "Russian" comma you have to hold down the shift button, however, you don't use shift for an "English" comma. So the muscle memory kicks in here, she wants to type a comma with an English layout, but still holds down shift as she would with a Russian layout, so just treat all those "<" as commas.
    Alex80 likes this.
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Определение слова
    Yes, it is like "honey". I didn't know this word before, so it looks like it is regional thing.
    < and , are placed on the same key. I think it is mistype.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by iCake View Post
    Мась is apparently an endearment, something you tell to someone you have an affection for. An English equivalent? Hard to say, don't think there is any rather than dear, darling and so on. Мась can also be a way to shorten a name like Maxim, Masha in an endearing kind of way.

    As for "<" in sentences... Well, I can see what's going on. You see on the Russian keyboard layout you type both a comma and dot with the same key depending on whether or not you're holding down the shift key. In turn, the same thing happens with "<" and "," on the English layout. The thing is to type in a "Russian" comma you have to hold down the shift button, however, you don't use shift for an "English" comma. So the muscle memory kicks in here, she wants to type a comma with an English layout, but still holds down shift as she would with a Russian layout, so just treat all those "<" as commas.
    Oh, that's very true on the muscle memory thing.. Sometimes she does it and sometimes she doesn't.. and I forgot about holding the shift key down.. Much appreciated with the translation help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex80 View Post
    Определение слова
    Yes, it is like "honey". I didn't know this word before, so it looks like it is regional thing.
    < and , are placed on the same key. I think it is mistype.

    It quite possibly could be a regional thing considering where she's from.. Makes sense..

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