Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
Sorry to butt in again, Friendy, but don't you think it would be much cuter if their names were something like Абдул-Джаббар и Джамила?

What does "Абдул-Джаббар и Джамила" mean? THank you guys for so much of you help! I know you must be getting sick of me but I have some more things.

"These are pictures of my friends at camp"

"Here's Ryann. She is so much fuin to hang out with, me and her have totally different personalitys but were still really good friends."

"Here's Maria. She is so awesome! She is always there when I'm sad and want to cuddley in the middle of the night or if I'm in a crazy mood and want to sneak around camp and do pranks on people."

"This is Ryann and Chelsea kissing Eugine."

"Maria going boating with someone while we were on the lake."