1) "орамив" as in "Щеки в шаль орамив, сотня с лишним сеньорит"
2) "реемой" as in "восторженно возношунад руганью реемой"
"Посмотреть бы тебя у токарного станка.
А что стихи?
Пустое это!
Небось работать - кишка тонка".
Thank you very much !
1) "орамив" as in "Щеки в шаль орамив, сотня с лишним сеньорит"
2) "реемой" as in "восторженно возношунад руганью реемой"
"Посмотреть бы тебя у токарного станка.
А что стихи?
Пустое это!
Небось работать - кишка тонка".
Thank you very much !
It's very poetic and very much irregular.
There is not such word as "орамив", poet (whose poems are those? I don't know out of my head and I'm too lazy to google it. Is it Маяковский?) invented it himself from the word "рама" or "рамка" (frame). In this context this word means "put in a frame".
On a second thought, I'm probably wrong about poet inventing this word himself. It's probably possible to say "орамить картину".
"Pеемой" is an artificial passive form of verb "реять". Multitran gives following: "soar; fly; toss; flaunt" for "реять". I'd think that "fly" as "fly the flag" is adequate here. The form "реемой" means "is been flown" here. At least that's how I see it.
ОрАмить - to frame over; to set in a frame ( вставлять в раму )
2) "рЕемой" - soaring
I wish I watched you standing at a lathe.
As for poems, it's boondoggle
As to work, you don't have the guts. or you're too (piss-)weak
Thank you all very much!
Ok, one more:![]()
"здрасите" ? Is it a salutation?
"А на что мне это все?
Как собаке - здрасите!"
PS: Yes, it is Mayakovsky, from the poems: ИСПАНИЯ and ПОЭТ РАБОЧИЙ.
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