Периодически оставляю часть сдачи школьникам, к-рые упаковывают продукты. И ни каких проблем с пакетами. =)Originally Posted by Юрка
Периодически оставляю часть сдачи школьникам, к-рые упаковывают продукты. И ни каких проблем с пакетами. =)Originally Posted by Юрка
У кассиров лихо получается. Надо будет приглядеться...
У всех кассиров на пальцах специальные крючечки или железа - как у человека паука. Это у них природное.
А у меня, как бы вы не отрицали, вопрос.
Всем известно, что при определённом положении луны по отношению к солнцу с земли она видна нам, как серп, или месяц. Вопрос такой. Возможно ли увидеть с земли другие планеты в форме месяца? например Марс или Венеру.
Я так думаю.
А Венера не ближе к Солнцу, чем Земля? Тогда отпадает. У Марса орбита больше, но Земля гораздо меньше Солнца и перекрыть его не сможет.Originally Posted by Leof
Разве только через телескоп Хаббл.Originally Posted by Leof
What is the difference between a hard currency and not a hard one (do they call it soft?)? The ruble must be of the soft kind I think.
Imagine the situation where you need to exchange say 1000 euros into US dollars. You exchange the money and then for the reason that is no concern of ours you want your euros back. What would the final result of these manipulations be if they were performed in UK, EU or USA? Would it still be the same 1000 euros, because the currencies are hard and you live in a civilized Western world or the sum be substantially diminished in the process, as it most certainly would in Russia? There’s no direct exchange rate here and to make all those procedures happen you would first have to sell the euros at a low low price for rubles then buy dollars at a high price and do this again names reversed losing in the end quite a sum,122 euros to be precise.
Возьми яблоко и подсвети его сбоку фонариком в темноте.Originally Posted by Юрка
Как видно из эксперимента, серповидного освещения можно добиться и без другой планеты.
Другое дело, что для того, чтобы увидеть другие планеты не в виде звёздочек, а в виде серпиков, нужен телескоп.
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Did you find a hard currency?Originally Posted by alexB
+0.5Originally Posted by Ramil
Другие планеты здесь действительно не при чём, всё дело в освещении. А вот фазы Венеры некоторые люди видят невооружённым глазом. Их очень мало, но они есть.
Hard currency can be accepted by any foreign bank as a payment and converted to any other 'hard' or local currency at its current market rate worldwide. There is no 'fixed' definition of the term 'hard currency'. A fair sign of the 'hardness' of any given currency would be the presence of its quotes at international stock exchanges (this provides means of conversion, since if you wouldn't be able sell the currency you've bought you wouldn't buy it in the first place). 'Soft' currencies usually circulate within the borders of their countries and the only body who is obliged to convert these currencies into any other currency would be the Central bank of that country. There are many currencies which fill the 'intermediate' niche when central banks of adjacent countries can also accept this currency as a payment since they have means of realizing this currency afterwards.Originally Posted by alexB
So, both British pound and American dollar are hard currencies since you can always sell them at a stock exchange. Of course, any bank (or any legal of physical body) who is willing to buy or sell them can use their own 'prices' that are called 'exchange rate'. You can buy dollars in London at 0.69 and in NY at 0.67 (these are market rate differences). You can buy Euros at 0.88 and then sell them at 0.89 and gain profit or sell them at 0.87 and sustain loss (you'll never know, really, what it would be since the market conditions change every second). So there are no guarantees that once you've bought 1000 dollars with pounds you'll receive the exact amount of $1000 back when you change them back. You can receive $998 or $1003 depending on the market rate.
The rate of 'hard' currencies fluctuate little so you can be sure that your losses would be all that great. When you're dealing with local currencies you cannot be sure of anything. Their market rates can change in a blink of an eye. If, for example, you could buy 2500 roubles in November for $100, selling them back now would have resulted only in about $70.
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My interest here is not merely academic. In fact the answer to the second half of the question is of more importance to me. The other day I was at a local bank paying a fee of a certain London organization for a certain service. The recipient made it a point that it should be paid in GBPs. What I had was euros and dollars, so to make my payment I had to go through nearly all of those currency back and forth switchings I told about in my earlier post, overpaying eventually a helluver (from my point of view) money. So, was the recipient’s stubbornness to be paid strictly in pounds justified or did it act according to the “those who own Porsches don’t care about gas prices” logic? And another thing, was the rip off inevitable or there are other less expensive ways to make such payments?
Oh, I must disappoint you on this matter. They can in fact demand payment in GBP so in order to pay you should buy pounds. Thus, you need to buy pounds at the current exchange rate. Of course, these rates wouldn't be to your advantage. The term 'Hard currency' means that the issuing bank MUST buy them back should anyone else refuses. So, any central bank of any country in EU guarantees that it would buy these Euros from you. It doesn't mean that anybody else is obliged to take them as a payment. In fact, it is illegal in many countries to accept any other currency except the local one as a payment if you don't have a license granted by the Central bank.
Send me a PM if you need me.
Рамиль, спасибо!
translationsnmru, спасибо!
Я так думаю.
It seems “they won’t ever give us working stiffs a break.”:=)
Как вы думаете, на отметке 3:08 фраза имеет какой-то смысл по-английски, или кто-то русский подшутил, дав им этот текст? =)
А что значит эта фраза?
http://www.astronet.ru/db/msg/1228754Поскольку Марс всегда расположен дальше от Солнца, нежели Земля, землянам никогда не получится наблюдать фазы Марса.
Это не совсем верно. Фазы у Марса есть, и их можно наблюдать, но это не "полные" фазы, т.е. "новомарсия", когда Марс полностью затемнён, никогда не бывает.Originally Posted by Юрка
Ведь когда происиходит новолуние? Когда Луна находится между Землёй и Солнцем и обращена к нам своей тёмной стороной. То же самое с Венерой - когда она находится между Землёй и Солнцем, мы видим (или, точнее, НЕ видим) ту её сторону, которая не освещена Солнцем. А вот у Марса такой фазы быть не может.
Благодагю, дгузья!*
*Благодарю, друзья!
Я так думаю.
Какие смесители для ванн стоят в квартирах у китайцев? Неужели китайские?
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
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