Переведите кто-нибудь, что он сказал. Я не совсем понял. Что мы не о том и не там разговариваем?Lets find spare time and talk about subjunctive... in general section. Wish i was there? wish i were there?
Переведите кто-нибудь, что он сказал. Я не совсем понял. Что мы не о том и не там разговариваем?Lets find spare time and talk about subjunctive... in general section. Wish i was there? wish i were there?
So you're saying that "You are the God's present to me." is correct in American English?Originally Posted by charlestonian
Нет, это тема отпочковалась по ходу дела, и поступило предложение обсудить её в другой части форума.) Переводится примерно так:Originally Posted by Серега
Давайте найдем время и поговорим о сослагательном наклонении... в General Discussion (Разговоры на общие темы). Какой вариант является правильным, wish I was there или wish I were there?
Вообще-то на этот вопрос уже коротко и ясно ответила Lampada, и я с ней согласна (если не развивать тему were и was в этой конструкции и не вспоминать о том, что было правильным когда-то и где можно встретить was сегодня).
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У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (
Picky, picky, picky... Maybe, this is better for you?Originally Posted by scotcher
"You are God's gift to me."
There... 1,790 hits on Google for this one. Happy now?
Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.
Гугль находит всё, что может найти в Интернете. А в Интернете на английском языке пишут как носители языка, так и не-носители. Еще неизвестно, кого больше.Originally Posted by charlestonian
Вообще слепое доверие к Гуглю - это так... американично.![]()
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
Picky?Originally Posted by charlestonian
heh, perhaps I should have responded the way you always do when you spot a minor mistake in someone's post. Let me have a go
[(Edited out. L) mode]
What ???????????????"You are the God's present to me."![]()
What the hell does this mean?????![]()
The God?????
lol, don't you know anything about English???? lol![]()
Was that any better, or was I still not a big enough (Edited out. L.)?
Scotcher wrote:
Come down, you were, and still are. Nobody takes that away from youWas that any better, or was I still not a big enough (Edited out. L.)?
Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.
scotcher, nice imitation.+1.
Come down where?Originally Posted by charlestonian
Come down off your high horse... Duh!Originally Posted by scotcher
What don't you understand???
Origin of the Expression 'High Horse' - Associated Content
to come off the high horse come down off your high horse get off your high horse knock her off her high horse (Principal sources: Oxford English Dictionary; ...
www.associatedcontent.com/article/33611 ... sion_high_
Hey! It don't make me no nevermind nohow!
Yo!!! How that sounds to your British ear?![]()
Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.
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