Hi everyone,

This is a bit random (and apologies if it counts as spam--mods feel free to delete it ). . .

I'm an Honours year student at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and I'm looking for some volunteers (native speakers of Russian only) to help me out with my thesis, which is looking at stress patterns. Basically, I need you to record yourself reading out some sentences, and then e-mail me the file of the recording. I'll also ask you to fill in a small questionnaire. All up, it shouldn't take any more than maybe ten minutes or so.

If you're interested (or know someone who might be), just leave a comment or send an e-mail to s.campisi AT ugrad.unimelb.edu.au or to campo13 AT hotmail.com

I can't really offer much in the way of compensation, but I'm happy to send you a tacky Australian souvenir or something similar in return.

Thanks so much for your time!

