Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
After all, the word 'normal' means 'like the majority'.
Then can we agree that most of the Russians on this forum have an abnormal ability to speak English, since the majority of the population in Russia doesn't know English beyond the "сикс клакс -- сач мач?!" level?

Seriously, as a point about English vocabulary -- if you want a word that means "like the majority," then typical or commonplace or ordinary are all much better choices than normal, which most often has the meaning "within the broad limits of healthy variation", or "not dysfunctional." (For example, being left-handed, or having an IQ that's four standard deviations above the average, or knowing how ride a unicycle while juggling tennis balls, are all "normal," although uncommon and atypical.)

So the philosophical question is, can homosexuality be called "normal" in the sense of being "not unhealthy; not dysfunctional"? And I call it a philosophical question because the physical health problems associated with homosexuality (СПИД, и т.д.) can generally be avoided by (a) not having dozens and dozens of partners, and (b) staying away from "the back door."

Gays should not propagandize their way of life - see #1
I simply do not wish to explain to my children why this man is dressed like a woman.
I think I might be sympathetic to this position -- see my earlier comment about my dislike for American-style "gay culture" and my wish that homosexuals in Russia and other countries should not slavishly imitate it. On the other hand, no one benefits when homosexuals pretend to be heterosexual, to the point of marrying a person of the opposite sex "for the sake of appearances."