Of course nobody wants to die but sometimes you have to.Originally Posted by Barmaley
The main thing at that is - whatever for? I wonder whether any of american soldiers killed in Iraq had discovered that reason for themselves before they have died?
What did those soldiers die for? To secure the world's prices in oil market? The goal justifies the means indeed.
Really? I wasn't aware that the French and Indian War (ok, technically not American, but close enough), the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the American Civil War were fought abroad. New Orleans is where? And when they burned down the White House, that was what country? Gettysburg isn't an American town? Bunker Hill is a trendy part of London? I think not.Because every military campaign of U.S.A. was offensive. Americans have always been agressors (in a neutral meaning of this word, i.e. they have always fought abroad. It's simply due to the geographical location).[/quote]
Well, I meant 20-th century and I was trying to illustrate the notion that americans didn't fight for their homes, families and children in the most wars of the past century. Of course when you fought brits or were butchering each other in the civil war it was quite another matter. But since then - you've lived perfectly safe an ocean far from the most disasterous events in the human history. Maybe that's why it is so that you've gone searching for adventures elsewhere.
Yes we do. We absolutely hated the British, we hated the Nazis and Japanese, and we still do hate these terrorist douchebags.Americans don't hate their enemies, they're just doing the job when pulling the trigger. They're more organized, better armed, have an efficient commandment but just one thing remains that they can't cope with - the human hatred against them.
Who we? American nation is a quite heterogeneus mass. There ARE people in USA who actually have celebrated 9.11.
And the US army is not an exception from the overall statistical rule.
They fight for their land and their lives. Americans fight for a salary.Note that those first three are now steadfast allies -- hopefully the states that the douchebags hail from eventually become so as well. And the human hatred against you allege is just natural -- you can't win 'em all.