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Thread: Online translators

  1. #1
    Почётный участник emeraldeyez's Avatar
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    Online translators

    Ok I have a problem, it seems, with online translators.

    When I use it (because I really have no friends to say "hey please help me translate into russian" - especially when I WANT to say/write something in russian to a russian friend) the translators seem to butcher the language.

    Any solutions at all? Grrrrrrrrr

  2. #2
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    Re: Online translators

    I don't think there is a solution except to not use them. Online translators are generally useless except for spell checking.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Online translators

    Quote Originally Posted by emeraldeyez
    Ok I have a problem, it seems, with online translators.

    When I use it (because I really have no friends to say "hey please help me translate into russian" - especially when I WANT to say/write something in russian to a russian friend) the translators seem to butcher the language.

    Any solutions at all? Grrrrrrrrr
    Online translators don't work because machines aren't smart enough yet. You really need a human if you want a decent translation.

    Just get Skype and talk to Russian speakers that way if you don't have any nearby. There are a bunch on this site who seem to be willing and able to help.
    "Сейчас без языка нельзя... из тебя шапку сделают..."
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  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин studyr's Avatar
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    Re: Online translators

    I use online translator only to get some word if I forgotten it or don't know how to write it. A whole sentence I compose myself.

  5. #5
    Почётный участник emeraldeyez's Avatar
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    Re: Online translators

    Now for the key is to figure out how to use skype. LOL sigh

  6. #6
    SAn is offline
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    Re: Online translators

    Quote Originally Posted by SAn
    Э-э, ну и?.. Ты тему читал вообще? Хотя бы первое сообщение? Извини, конечно, но складывается впечатление, что не читал.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn
    I don't think there is a solution except to not use them. Online translators are generally useless except for spell checking.
    Я протестировала гугловский и могу сказать, что даже в этом на него полагаться нельзя. В любом случае есть способы получше (проверка в текстовом редакторе, кнопка проверки правописания на панели инструментов или электронные словари).

    Quote Originally Posted by emeraldeyez
    Now for the key is to figure out how to use skype. LOL sigh
    Skype or any other messenger that is popular among native speakers of Russian (e.g. ICQ). It's simple, believe me. (: To find the right person* to speak with is more difficult.
    Don't forget that in Skype the addressee won't receive your message until you both are online.

    * I mean a competent, very helpful, nice and patient person who is often online and ready to help. And who needs your help (at least sometimes). If besides this you have much in common with him/her, you are lucky. It's just my point of view.
    There are a bunch on this site who seem to be willing and able to help.

    emeraldeyez, I think if you look through Translate This, you'll find someone. Just PM him/her and ask to be your tutor. One more link if no one on this forum has offered you his/her help himself/herself yet.
    And of course it's more convenient if the helper doesn't have a big time difference with you. (:

    P. S. Please correct my mistakes if there are any.
    P. P. S. Извините, что часть сообщения написана на русском.
    If you have problems with both posting new messages and sending PMs, you can send an e-mail to the Forum Administrator here:
    У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (

  8. #8
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    Re: Online translators

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaya
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn
    I don't think there is a solution except to not use them. Online translators are generally useless except for spell checking.
    Я протестировала гугловский и могу сказать, что даже в этом на него полагаться нельзя. В любом случае есть способы получше (проверка в текстовом редакторе, кнопка проверки правописания на панели инструментов или электронные словари).
    Thanks for the Google toolbar link, I didn't know about that function. I don't have Russian spell check for my word processor so I'd run Russian essays and emails through to catch typos. (Just look for the words it refuses to translate and ignore the rest of the gibberish it turns out.)
    Пожалуйста, исправляйте мои ошибки.

  9. #9
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    Re: Online translators

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn
    Thanks for the Google toolbar link, I didn't know about that function.
    Была рада оказаться полезной.
    Glad to help. I mean, I'm glad you've found it useful.
    If you have problems with both posting new messages and sending PMs, you can send an e-mail to the Forum Administrator here:
    У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (

  10. #10
    Почётный участник emeraldeyez's Avatar
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    Re: Online translators


    Well ... I think I figured out a little bit with skype and downloaded it to my computer. SO if anyone would like to add me, my skype is emeraldeyez70

    I look forward to learning more and also helping!


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