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Thread: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Hello americans people! I am Vitaly, I from Rybinsk - small town on Volga. Yroslavl region. I decide to speak with american people in order to understend is it true that all people in World is the same. Sorry for my english. If it incorrect I wrote, please put me right!
    Привет американские люди! Я Виталий, я из Рыбинска - маленького городка на волге. Ярославская область. Я решил поговорить с амриканцами что бы понять, правда ли, что все люди в мире одинаковые. Прошу прощения за мой английский. если я не корректно написал, пожалуйста исправляйте меня!

  2. #2
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Please, ask me any question on any themes. I will happy to discuss with you!

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitalik100
    Hello, Americans _! I am Vitaly,_from Rybinsk, a small town on Volga, Yroslavl region. I decided to speak with Americans in order to understand whether it is true that all people in the world are the same. Sorry for my English. If I wrote incorrectly , please correct me!
    Привет американские люди! Я Виталий, я из Рыбинска - маленького городка на волге. Ярославская область. Я решил поговорить с амриканцами что бы понять, правда ли, что все люди в мире одинаковые. Прошу прощения за мой английский. если я не корректно написал, пожалуйста исправляйте меня!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitalik100
    Please, ask me any question on any theme_. I will be happy to discuss with you!
    Я исправил всего граматичные ошибки.

    Рыбинск, там есть рыба?
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  4. #4
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitalik100
    Привет, американцы! Я Виталий, я из Рыбинска - маленького городка на Волге. Ярославская область. Я решил поговорить с амриканцами, чтобы понять, правда ли, что все люди в мире одинаковые. Прошу прощения за мой английский.
    За русский тоже не мешало бы попростить прощения.
    "Американские люди" меня просто вырубили.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  5. #5
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Ага, Оль, «попросить».
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  6. #6
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Да, делаю ошибки иногда. Американские люди, не судите строго. Для начала я расскажу о городе в котором живу.

  7. #7
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Городу 270 лет. Лет 150 назад он назывался "Рыбная слобода". Рыбинск был столицей бурлаков. Здесь жили богатые купцы. В Рыбинске находилась хлебная биржа и мучная биржа.

  8. #8
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    В старой части города сохранился дом семьи Шенкерман, которая уехала в Америку в начале 20 века. В этой семье были два мальчика Иосиф и Николай. В штатах они изменили фамилию на Шенк. И назвались Джозеф и Ник Шенк. Джозеф шенк основал в дальнейшем Метро-Голден-Майер студию в Голливуде, и принял участи в основании национальной киноакадемии. Вот.

  9. #9
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    А почему такая дискриминация? Почему только "американские люди", почему не все остальные иностранцы, читающие этот форум и изучающие русский язык?
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  10. #10
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Да, вы правы, я не обратил внимание что это многонациональный форум.

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitalik100 it true that all people in World is the same.
    Greetings Vitaly,

    I am new to this forum and I do not speak any Russian nor have I been to Russia. I have been posting on this site to learn because I have been writing a fictional book for my young daughter and one of the characters has a Russian background.

    I have lived in many parts of the United States (Washington D.C. area, New York, California, Illinois & Florida) and traveled to over half of the states in the United States. My husband is from El Salvador. I have also traveled to El Salvador, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Puerto Rico.

    I don’t believe that all the people in the world are the same; but, I don’t need to look so very far away to get my answer. My older sister and I are only two and a half years apart; yet, no one who knows us can believe that we are sisters. Our values and beliefs are completely different. Besides having the same mother and father, we literally have nothing in common. I might actually have more in common with you than her!

    During my travels, I have found that everywhere I go there are some people who yes, are similar to me in my values and experiences and others who are not. It is what makes traveling so enjoyable for me. I get to learn. The day I stop learning is the day I die.

    The same as with this site. I get to learn about you, your culture, how you are different and possibly how similar you are to me.
    Regards, Rockzmom
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
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  12. #12
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    rockzmom, despite the fact that there’s a female on your avatar, she may be even you, I thought you were a man until you mentioned your husband in that post above.

  13. #13
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    rockzmom, despite the fact that there’s a female on your avatar, she may be even you, I thought you were a man until you mentioned your husband in that post above.
    Are you dissapointed? Curious as to what in my style of writing made you think that.

    No, I can assure you that I am a female.

    It's okay as though as I just learned last night that Оля is female and I thought she was a guy. It is harder for me as I am use to names ending in "A's" being only female and I have learned that Russian nicknames ending "A" can be a male.

    So, what about you, male or female???
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
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  14. #14
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    I thought you were a man until you mentioned your husband in that post above.
    Me too.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  15. #15
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    I thought you were a man until you mentioned your husband in that post above.
    Me too.
    We must thank Vitaly for posting her question and allowing us to clear this all up. And to think I almost did not respond to her. This goes to show you must be brave with your postings.

    I am not upset in any way, I think this is rather funny. I have been married to my HUSBAND for 17 years.

    Please, what have I said that made you all think I was a man? My screen name says 'MOM' in it so I am rather confused here. It is not like you Оля who has a man for an avatar and a name that I have no clue on Earth how to even pronounce.

    So where is our communication breakdown between the two worlds?
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
    Click here for list of Russian films with English subtitles and links to watch them.

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    I thought you were a man until you mentioned your husband in that post above.
    Me too.
    Interesting, I also am curious why. I think for English speakers, it is evident she'd be female... Her avatar and the word "mom" in the nick made it to me obvious to me!

    BTW: In America, at least some places, if someone writes they have a husband... it could still mean they are male!

    Edit: I see Prop 8 in California won, so it is illegal for two people of the same gender to get married here (again)
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  17. #17
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    We must thank Vitaly for posting her question and allowing us to clear this all up. And to think I almost did not respond to her.
    Grrghhhhhh. Vitaly is a MALE name!!!

    Please, what have I said that made you all think I was a man?
    Well, as for me...
    First. Your avatar means nothing: TATY has Alla Pugachova's photo in his avatar, and still he's a male. Your username is too complicated, I didn't realize that "***om" (which looks male) really was "mom".
    Second. I'm used that the overwhelming majority of foreigners on this forum are male. Newbies too.
    Third. I've been assured several times by men that some other man, famous and rich, was attractive. Those men didn't believe me when I said I didn't like him.

    It is not like you Оля who has a man for an avatar and a name that I have no clue on Earth how to even pronounce.
    Well, Оля is a female name. And my avatar is just... a present of a friend.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  18. #18
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Grrghhhhhh. Vitaly is a MALE name!!!
    So sorry Vitaly. I am use to names ending in "ly" being female. I must unlearn everything for this forum.

    TATY has Alla Pugachova's photo in his avatar, and still he's a male.
    Didn't know that one. Thought it was really a photo of Taty!!! Thanks for letting me know.
    Anyone else I should know about??

    Your username is too complicated,
    I did not realize it would be complicated or cause confusion.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
    Click here for list of Russian films with English subtitles and links to watch them.

  19. #19
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    We have again a gray day today in Rybinsk. Two days ago there was a snow rainfall and a pretty winter day with snowy spruces, but today allready snow is thaw down and everywhere dirt on the streets. / Сегодня у нас опять серый день в Рыбинске. Два дня назад был снегопад - приятный зимний денёк с заснежнными елями, но уже сегодня всё растаяло и везде на улицах грязь.

  20. #20
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Why such grey outmn in Russia? Thoughts aloud.

    So, tell me please if you was at the Miami or California?

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