Civilian Guns Compare
Number of Privately Owned Firearms
The estimated total number of guns held by civilians in Russia is 12,750,000
1 Compare
Rate of Civilian Firearm Possession per 100 Population
The rate of private gun ownership in Russia is 8.9
2 firearms per 100 people
Rate of Privately Owned Firearms per 100 Population - World Ranking
In a comparison of the
rate of private gun ownership in 179 countries, Russia ranked at No. 68
2 Compare
Number of Registered Firearms
The number of registered guns in Russia is reported to be 5,000,000
1 Compare
Rate of Registered Firearms per 100 Population
The rate of registered firearms per 100 people in Russia is 3.50
3 Compare
Number of Privately Owned Rifles
In Russia, the number of rifles in civilian possession is reported to be 226,000
4 Compare
Number of Privately Owned Shotguns
In Russia, the number of shotguns in civilian possession is reported to be 3,410,000