Why?! Я теку , Мы ржавеем .Во-первых, это глаголы, которые обозначают процессы, совершающиеся в животном или растительном мире, в неживой природе и не присущие человеку: ржаветь, сквозить, телиться, течь и др. Такие глаголы не употребляются в формах 1-го и 2-го лица единственного и множественного числа (нельзя ведь сказать: «я теку» или «мы ржавеем»).
Чуду-юду я и так победю
Russian is synthetic, (word building and inflection/cases?) Synthetic language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
English is rather less synthetic, more analytic:Isolating language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Caution must be used in reading these articles, I believe. A language that occasionally shows some synthetic characteristics, does not mean language is very synthetic. This applies to Romance languages for examples, that seem to be more analytic and less synthetic than is implied.
sure thing
can you add 'ed' to these verbs in English
The list goes on up to 700 words
You can probably build the whole new language based just on these "some exceptions"
English would be much easier w/o exceptional rules for these verbs
'Burned' is ok. When native speakers hear these kinds of things 'builded, forgetted, cutted,'etc it doesn't impair comprehension. Children (and non-native speakers) often use these kinds of constructions, everyone almost always knows what they mean. And so yes, they are not 'legit' but they don't interfere with basic communication.
It is good to hear this! I've been learning about personal and impersonal verb usage, and so it seems one can say 'Я успею...' 'Я успел....' and 'Мне удалось...' But can't say something like 'Я удамся...' And so maybe the incorrect usage of impersonal verb, using as a personal form might be understood too. This seems like this could be a typical mistake for people learning Russian.
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