Originally Posted by
UhOx - you were just a small kid when that happened.
Aghanistan is a totally backwards and very poor country. The majority of the population cannot read, and they live on a dollar a day or something like that. They couldn't find the US on a map, and alone, they couldn't hurt any country because they are too primitive.
The nation of Afghanistan had nothing at all to do with 9-11.
Bin Laden had set up shop there because it offered him asylum after he fell out with his royal family in Saudi.
Truth is, we don't really know too much about him, other than that he hated both the USSR, and then later the USA. USSR because of the invasion of Afghanistan, and the anti-religious stance of the state there, and the USA because it soiled the "holy land" with its bases and is generally corrupt and decadent, from an islamic perspective. There was talk that he had set up "terrorist schools" in Afghanistan. Interesting, because nobody has come across any terrorist trained at a terrorist school. The ones that have caused trouble in the UK and elsewhere in Europe are homegrown. Likewise the Tsarnaev brothers. So what happened with the "graduates" of these schools. I think it's largely hype. People have better things to do with their lives than go to "terrorist schools. "
Probably it was nothing more than a religious school that sometimes ranted on a bit against the West, and with some military training because lots of guys enjoy to run around and pretend its a war.
At the same time, Bin Laden had activities in Sudan, at home in Saudi and in Pakistan.
Yet, Afghanistan was singled out.
Because the US already knew it wanted to take down the taliban and invade the area. It had wanted it from the minute the USSR left.
and that's well documented.
Muslim hospitality is regulated in the Koran. They MUST religiously protect their "moslem brethren".
So they could not stay true to their faith, and hand over Bin Laden. The country is so primitive and poorly organised that they probabably didn't even know for sure that he was there! I vaguely recall this from the papers at the time.
The USA had wanted to invade Afghanistan since long before 9-11 and there is plenty of documentation on it.
If the US didn't keep military bases in Saudi Arabia, 9/11 would never have happened. Can anyone give a legitimate reason why US needs bases there, when it's a friendly nation and located on the other side of the globe from the US? Oh yes, they are there to support even more unnecessary bases elsewhere in the region, and illegal invasions.
The attacks were a tragedy, but frankly it's surprising there haven't been more of them, considering how the US network of bases spreads like a spider web across the globe.
9-11 was EXACTLY the type of excuse they wanted. There was a vague link between Bin Laden and Afghanistan, namely that Bin Laden sometimes stayed there.. But as it turned out later, he also had residence in a nice suburban villa in Pakistan, and that's where he was while the US was wreaking havoc with civilians in Afghanistan!
If Bin Laden wanted more supporters to his cause, the US invasion in Afghanistan was a god-send.
For every person that was killed by the US, a whole family from mothers to brothers and fathers were radicalised.
I understand that this is partly what happened for the USSR which went in to protect some elected Communist government (?). But in doing so, people got killed and the tides turned against them and fuelled radicalism. I was too young at the time, but later I remember people commenting on the hypocrisy that my gov't still hated the USA for Vietnam, yet said nothing about the USSR in Afghanistan. Oh the irony, how tides have turned! Today, I can see that those two conflicts were probably quite different and can't really be compared. For one, Afghanistan bordered the USSR.
The US agenda is proven by the fact that the US is now INSISTING (and won't take no for an answer) that they keep a military presence in Afghanistan. That's what the US wanted all along, and Bin-Laden + 9/11 was just a convienient excuse to kick off the plan. Which is totally absurd since it's on the other side of the planet from the USA and nothing that anyone did there could threaten the US in the slightest.
The only American politician I somewhat respect, is Ron Paul and he knows very well all of what I just said.