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Thread: Understanding Foreigners

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
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    Question Understanding Foreigners

    Hello, I'm kinda new to this community, I from time to time read some posts in this forum. i never wanted to register until i now.

    I'm on a position that sometimes i write something and people somehow does not understand what i`m saying or perhaps they do not want to understand, I know that i have some grammar errors. however i was talking about the same thing with a friend and he said that my problem with Russian is if one knows English, He might understand your sentences, In others words i`m trying to translate word by word what i writing. I`m willing to fix it. Here are 2 examples of what's going on:


    What i don't understand about the whole case is that Yandeks gives me the same translation.

    Any idea of how to fix it?

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Jun 2015
    Russia, Siberia
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    To say the truth I hardly understand that are you talking about in english too. Yandex translation is just word-to-word, but the problem is unclear meaning of several words.
    For example in "I told you" it is unclear why do you referring to him while talking about friends. It makes me feel I miss something. "I would pass" means "I would come to them"?
    "I'm in different community" - do you mean you belong to some group of russians or opposite - do not understand russian 'community habit' to use strong language? Somehow it's unclear.
    Russians do really fail often in netiquette, this is true.

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    May 2019
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    I think the correct phrase should be "I would come when they are all there." Good luck.

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