Hi, I`m Russian scientist in American and Russian mind and brain. I`d like to suggest a little test with your individual mind. Please, answer the questions as you want! The aim of the test is to investigate your Then, please, send me your test with underlined answers. Then I`ll
I. The questionnaire
Your age:
Your profession:

What is the best way to put punctuation marks for you in your written speech? (underline your variant)

1. According to the rules of punctuation:
Always Often Sometimes Never

2. According to the sense of your text:
Always Often Sometimes Never

3. According to the intonation and the rhythm of your text :
Always Often Sometimes Never

4. According to the “signal words” (for example, conjunctions) in your text:
Always Often Sometimes Never

5. According to your own intuition:
Always Often Sometimes Never

6. Write down your own variant:

Always Often Sometimes Never

Good luck!!!