OK, I read this in the Kyiv Post : The “C” word: it’s a word that, even in the West, where everyday language (especially in the movies) is often laced with profanity, is just too much. Hearing that degrading term for the female anatomy doesn’t just make people flinch; it makes the people who hear it used think lower of those who use it.
In English, the “C” word is way over the line, in the same way that swearing of any kind is in Ukraine.
So it now has me asking, "Do the people in Russia, Ukraine, etc. swear openly in public. When I am at work, I often hear many swear words, all day long. Granted I work with men, but on TV I do hear swearing all the time, and I see the level of morality lowering all the time. What is this situation like there?? I'm interested to know...![]()