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Thread: Slavic Women

  1. #101
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by brett
    Dogs do attempt rape, actually. It simply doesn't have the same meaning as human rape. Human rape is a deep psychological attack done through physical means, whereas in animals it's a superficial act without the intent on traumatizing the rapee.
    Nope, they don't. They just can't. A bitch in heat is often aggressive towards a stud and a stud always retreats no matter how stronger than bitch he is. Bitch ofter sits down hiding her sexual organ, and you can actually read confusion on stud's "face". But he never forces a bitch to stand up. His instincts don't let him.

    Dogs do "rape" (without actual intercourse) other dogs of the same sex to maintain their dominance.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    I've just polled 50 women aged 20 - 30, 47 of them said that gray hair was hot.

    I agree that grey hair makes men more interesting...though I am older than 30, does that count in the poll?

  3. #103
    Увлечённый спикер
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    I'm new to the forum and just browsing through the messages, but I feel I have to say this thread is gold.

    Also, Biancca, I love you. Wait, I meant to say I'm rich. Err actually, I'm rich AND I love you.

  4. #104
    Старший оракул
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    Wow, this post got away from what I last remember it as!
    I would never cheat on anyone. I was engaged once. She cheated on me. Worst experience ever. I could never do that to anyone.
    "Alright, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me, so let's just figure this out and I'll get back to killing you with beer."

  5. #105
    Почётный участник
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biancca
    I just want my children to have a father.

    But I guess that's too much to ask in today's society.

    Thank you Kwatts59 for aknowledging that personality does matter. I would rather be with an ugly, funny man than a hot boring one.

    In fact I don't want to be with a hot man at all because he will cheat for sure.

    That is not too much to ask in today's society, you just have to look harder than you would have back in the day! Personally, I find this idea that being polygamous is "natural and good" is quite nasty...of course that is my opinion and if some people want to be polygamous with other polygamous people then so be it.

    I, personally, a 18 year old American male(who is not a follower of any abrahamic faith at the moment), cannot wait to find a women who would accept me and all of my faults and settle down to start a family.

    Also, if anyone cheated on me or anyone I held dear I would see to it personally that their lives were destroyed.(of course that is just me personally and I wont try to force my ways on anyone else)


  6. #106
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan

    Also, Biancca, I love you. Wait, I meant to say I'm rich. Err actually, I'm rich AND I love you.
    Your image of me is of your own invention. But you do speak French betten than I do it seems.

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