Quote Originally Posted by Боб Уайтман View Post
I just wonder if you know that just out of curiosity, or did you learn either of those languages?
I'm asking that because I was never exposed to languages like Farsi or Arabic.
I don't know either of these languages. Actually, I learned these phrases years ago on an Internet thread in which someone was complaining about the "ignorant" way that some Americans pronounce "Iraq" and "Iran" as Ай-рэк and Ай-рэн (instead of Ирак, Иран).

But then a Persian-American commenter pointed out that in both Farsi and Arabic, they "ignorantly" say ам-РИ-ка instead of а-МЭ-ри-ка -- so if some Americans want to say АЙ-РЭН, not и-РАН, that was their own business!

(And a Russian commenter added that Russians "ignorantly" say Стамбул and Пекин instead of "Istanbul" and "Beijing"... there were other examples given, too.) Anyway, that's how I learned how to say "Death to America!!!" in Farsi and Arabic.