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Thread: Russian Scientists drill a hole and hear the sounds of Hell -- TRUE or FALSE story?

  1. #1

    Russian Scientists drill a hole and hear the sounds of Hell -- TRUE or FALSE story?

    I have seen references to this story several times, and just recently, my sister mentioned it, believing that it was based on a real event in the 1980s, in Russia.

    The story is retold on Youtube like this:

    As some may recall, there were lots of wild stories floating around back then, about dramatic things happening in Russia, like "real witches", UFO landings and extreme natural phenomena, but all were based on hearsay.This fits that criteria, but the story is still alive today, and seems to be known in the English speaking world too. But this story is so old now that surely if this digging actually took place, people would know about it?

    According to the version my sister heard, this happened somewhere on the Kola peninsula, not far from the the Finnish border. All the scientists became believers after hearing the sounds and one of them walked across the border to Finland and told his story to some Finnish Christians who passed it on.

    Personally I believe that if hell exists, it would not be a physical place that we can see or listen to in this world.

    Hoax or real, has there been such a hole and recording, and is this story known in Russia?

  2. #2
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    The drilling was real and Wikipedia has an article about it (Kola Superdeep Borehole).
    What about "voices from hell" - it's an urban legend. I heard about it on some Russian TV show dedicated to UFO-like stuff.
    I think it's completely высосано из пальца. Maybe it originated as some stupid driller joke. Atheistic Russian drillers were trolling Finnish Christians

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia Great Borehole article
    The deep core-drilled Kola borehole cannot be directly compared with any other borehole in the world. In a deep core borehole, a section of the rock drilled through is recovered from within the hole. It is this recovered drill core, and the information it represents about the rock that it was retrieved from, that is the most important feature of the borehole.
    Thanks! So at least some of it is true! But why would they all become believers? Something must have happened...

    There was some kind of natural phenomenon as well, like a vision that all of them saw, or something.

    Does Russian speaking internet have information about who the scientists were that participated? Perhaps somebody's interviewed them afterwards.

    And why did the one person suddenly decide to clear off to Finland? Quite a drastic decision that doesn't make a lot of sense. And what became of this person after he told his story?

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    okay, but why would they all become believers? There was some kind of natural phenomenon as well, like a vision that all of them saw, or something.
    If there was a story in media sources that, say, a hundred people witnessed the Sun suddenly dropping down behind the horizon, would you take it seriously? I mean everything in the media should be taken with a grain or two of salt. When I hear or read a story like that the needle of my bogusometer just flies off the scale.
    Only when you stop stopping your life can you begin to start starting it.

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    I can't find authentic testimonies describing visions or revelations
    In recent interviews engineers who have worked on the site mainly regret that research was halted due to insufficient funding and just smile tiredly when asked about hell.

  6. #6
    Hmm.... interesting! Is there any interview on youtube with the people who participated?

    So maybe it's all just made up then. Just curious how a story like that would just be invented... And how did the story spread, unless the bit about the guy who went to Finland is true...? Well, perhaps he just wanted to start a new life and left - not relating to any religious experience... and then he made up the story later, so the Christians would sympathise and help him.

    If there was a story in media sources that, say, a hundred people witnessed the Sun suddenly dropping down behind the horizon, would you take it seriously? I mean everything in the media should be taken with a grain or two of salt. When I hear or read a story like that the needle of my bogusometer just flies off the scale.
    Well, this story has been around for such a long time. I read it the first time in my teens, in some Christian magazine. 20 years later the story is on youtube! But the story I have read earlier was different, and the location was "Siberia".

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    You can search youtube for "Кольская сверхглубокая".
    For example, this video (Кольская сверхглубокая 2010 - YouTube) features short interview with the chief geophysicist.

  8. #8
    Interesting, will check the video.

    And this is an interesting and cool project, regardless the situation with the "hell" sounds.

    Here is a story about the project in English

    The Deepest Hole • Damn Interesting

    Don't understand all, but enough to hear the worker say that the bit about hell is nonsens.

  9. #9
    I'v had been in hell. My skin was burned then given a few seconds to regenerate, then burned again, they given a few seconds to rest and regenerte the skin then burned again. It is a never ending burning, I mean physically. Then while I am burning I am drowning in liquefied gas and manure while again burning. I never feared God. I still remain a communist. Even if I repent, I will surely go to hell because I believe in communism..

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    It was the cutting edge research project back then, and it's sad that the borehole is abandoned nowadays.

    And on a related note. You may have heard that BP drillers inadvertently released Cthulhu, but they're sorry (South Park s14e11 ).

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    I thought schizophrenia exacerbation happens only in spring and autumn

  12. #12
    Ya, I am really but that does not mean that nobody should not believe me that it was Sison, Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippiines who first demonized Marcos and the Filipino capitalists through editorial cartoons and book covers. Sison was indeed the first one who demonized Marcos and Marcos is not acting like a devil. He prays unceasingly..

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    I've found the last interview with Давид Губерман, the main person behind the Кольская сверхглубокая project, who died last year.
    Here is the link:
    He was disappointed when people asked him about that "hell" nonsense, but not about the scientific value of the research.
    The article mentions an unnamed Finnish youth newspaper, which allegedly published a joke about the hell for the first time on the 1st of April.

  14. #14
    kvs is offline
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    Это было опубликовано в начале 80-х годов, но не в финской газете, а в газете города Куйбышев, сейчас город называется Самара. К 1 апреля эта газета каждый год издавала сенсационные статьи и в следующем номере мелкими буквами печатали, что это была перво-апрельская шутка. В России 1 апреля считается днем смеха и шуток.

  15. #15
    zxc is offline
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    Snopes has a relevant article on this.

  16. #16
    kvs is offline
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    Прочитал я сейчас Вашу ссылку на релевант статью. Первый раз я это читал то ли в 1982, то ли в 1983 году, но не в 1984. До 1984 года я учился в нефтяном техникуме (колледж) на бурение скважин. А в 1984 году я служил в Афганистане. Поэтому и говорю, что это придумали раньше, чем описано по ссылке. На картинке нарисовано как рабочие записывают шум в скважине микрофоном. Это нельзя сделать, так как скважина до самого верха заполнена буровым раствором иначе она завалится породой. Короче говоря это шутка к дню смеха, да и глубина 12 км - это слишком мало для земной коры. Когда добирутся до мантии Земли, там и будут искать чудеса. )))

  17. #17
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    Обратите внимание, что примерно в том же районе находится полигон с целями для балистических ракет, выпускаемых с Российских подводных лодок. Наверное там пытаются разрушить вход в неизведанное???

  18. #18
    Подающий надежды оратор bellabob's Avatar
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    I do not believe in hell. So in my opinion, this isn't even close be being factual.

  19. #19
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    Сейчас запись находится на расшифровке в научной лаборатории. Некоторые расшифрованные моменты показывают, что землятресение в Фокусиме произошло не просто так.

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