Have you thought about how differently you experience a film depending on whether or not you use subtitles?

I miss A LOT of what is said if I watch without subtitles. But I think I also learn more if I don't use them because I am forced to listen *really* carefully and be much more focussed. Also to stop, rewind and watch again...

I think that subtitles make you lazy. If you didn't hear something, or didn't understand it, you can just ignore it because you got the meaning from the subs anyway.

I grew up with subtitles on most TV shows, I automatically read them - even if I understand everything that's said! And even if they are in a language that I can hardly understand! It's almost impossible to ignore them!

I don't have a lot of experience of dubbing for learning, other than learning some German from kids TV as a child. They used to keep the original speech and simply put the Swedish voiceover on top of the German. As an adult I find this kind of dubbing incredibly distracting, to the point that I don't watch anything dubbed in this way.

Sweden never does "professional" dubbing like in Germany or France, where real actors are used for the dubbing. Only big countries do this, I think.

Oh, one more thing: The English subs for Russian films are usually pretty bad! Have you noticed? They leave out a lot of what's said, the text is chopped up and sometimes there are problems with grammar, spelling or expressions used.

Obviously, these may be "fansubs" and the translator might have made the subs to be helpful, for free... If so, it's not fair to complain.

What's your experience and your view of subs and dubbing into English, Russian or any other language?