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Thread: Project Чебурашка

  1. #21
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    He is male, but he is a toy , he can't have a deep voice. I suggest JB, if she agrees that is. For some completely irrational reason I think she'd be perfect for the part. And I insist on the Livanov's voice for Gena, if someone can impersonate him. Soryy, Pioner, it's not a personal attack, I can give you my roles.
    I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it

  2. #22
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Hey, I am down with that., maybe strekoza's husband will do it

    I agree with чебурашка... need to find a kid (Pioner's??? ) or maybe a female voice... Although I don't really have a deep voice...
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
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  3. #23
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    Livanov's voice would be great for that! My voice is too deep for Gena, I believe. If Стрекоза can involve her husband, that would be great.

    I am not dying to work on that, I can assist, but I will not be crying if there is nothing left for me.

  4. #24
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Ok here comes my translation. Let me know if you disagree:

    Seller 1: "Оранжес". Апельсины. (drawn out) Oranges...

    Seller 1: Опять чебурахнулся. Хе, чебурашка какой-то. Again you fell down! You are such a Cheburashka!

    Seller1: Что же мне с тобой делать? What am I going to do with you?

    Cheb: Не знаю. (timidly) I don't know

    Seller1: Вот! Here!

    Guard: - Нет, этот не пойдет. Неизвестный науке зверь. No! This won't do. This animal is unknown to science
    Guard: Не знают, куды его посадить. They don't know where to put him

    Seller2: Мне нравится этот зверь. I like this animal

    Seller2: Он, ты знаешь, похож, так сказать, на бракованную игрушку. He looks, you know, like a, so to speak, defective toy

    Seller2: Будешь работать у нас, стоять в витрине. You will work for us, standing in the display window

    Seller2: И, так сказать, привлекать внимание прохожих. Понятно? And get, so to speak, the attention off passerbys. Got it?

    Cheb: Да, понятно. А где я буду жить? Yeah, got it. But where will I live?

    Seller2: Жить? live?
    Cheb: Да. yeah

    Seller2: - Где будешь жить? Where will you live?
    - Да, хотя бы, вот здесь. Well, how about right here?

    Seller2: Это и будет, так сказать, твой дом. Понятно? This will be your, so to speak, home. Got it?

    Cheb: Угу. Uhuh

    Narrator : "В городе жил крокодил по имени Гена. А работал он в зоопарке. Крокодилом". in the city lived a crocodile named Gena. And he worked in the zoo... as a crocodile

    Gena: Молодой крока... Нет. a young croco...(pronounced as [krowka]) no.

    gena: Кракодил хочeт завести себе друзей. Точка. crocodile seeks friends

    gena: Молодой кракодил... a young crocodile...

    girl: Не плачь. Пойдем со мной! Don't cry! come with me!

    girl: Это Вам нужны друзья? Is it you who needs friends?

    Gena: Друзья? Мне. Friends? I do!

    girl: - Галя. Galiya
    Gena: Гена. Крокодил. Gena. Crocodile

    girl: - У вас есть молоко? Do you have any milk?
    Gena: - Конечно, есть. But of course!

    Girl: - Покормите Тобика. Please feed Tobik
    Gena: - Тобик. (say it with a smile) Tobik

    Girl: - Я пока приберу. У Bас такой беспорядок. In the meantime I will clean up. It is so messy here!

    gena: - Кто там? Who's there?

    Cheb: - Это я, Чебурашка. It is me, Cheburashka
    gena: - Чебурашка. Cheburashka

    Girl: - Кто Bы такой? What are you?
    Cheb: - А я не знаю. I don't know

    Girl: - Вы, случайно, не медвежонок? You are not, by chance, a bear cub?
    Cheb: - Может быть. Не знаю я. Maybe... I don't know

    Gena: Сейчас, cейчас посмотрим! Hold on, we'll look it up right now

    Gena: Так... Так, "ЧЕ". "ЧЕ", "ЧЕ"... Ok... ok, "che" "che" "che"

    gena: Чай, чемоданы, чебуреки... Че... Чебоксары... chest, chess, cherry, che! check

    gena: Никаких чебурашек нет. Strange, no kind of cheburashkas whatsoever!

    Gena: - Значит... Значит, Bы не будете со мной дружить? So... so this means you won't be friends with me?

    girl: - Почему? Будем-будем! Я научу тебя вязать на спицах. Why not? We will, we will! I will teach you how to knit

    gena: А я пускать мыльные пузыри! And I to blow mile-long bubbles!

    Shapok: Кто людям помогает, Лишь тратит время зря. Ха-ха! Those who help people, only waste their time. Ha Ha!

    Shapok: Хорошими делами Прославиться нельзя. Ха-ха! God deeds are never rewarded. Ha Ha!

    Shapok: Поэтому я всем и каждому cоветую Bсе делать точно так. That is why I advise everyone to do everything the exact same way

    Shapok: Kак делает старуха по кличке Шапокляк. Как делает старуха по кличке Шапокляк. as the old lady by the nickname Shapoklyak! as the old lady by the nickname Shapoklyak!

    Shapok: Кто людям помогает, Лишь тратит время зря. Ха-ха! Those who help people, only waste their time. Ha Ha!

    Shapok: Хорошими делами Прославиться нельзя. God deeds are never rewarded.

    Shapok: Прославиться нельзя. Прославиться нельзя! never rewarded. never rewarded

    Shapok: Ха-ха-ха! ha-ha-ha!

    girl: Ку-ку. Ку-ку. Ку-ку. Ку-ку. Ку-ку. Ку-ку. coo-coo x6

    Shapok: - А ты не боишься крыс? But aren't you afraid of rats?
    Cheb: - Нет. no

    Shapok: Темнота! Лариска, ко мне! Ignoramous! Lariska, come to me!

    Shapok: Это Bы писали? Is it you who wrote this?

    Gena: Конечно я. Of course me!

    Shapok: - Это хорошо. Хорошо, что Bы зеленый и плоский. This is good. It's good that you are green and flat.

    Gena: - Но почему? But why?!?
    Shapok: - Очень просто! Very simple!

    Shapok: Вы лежите на газоне и Bас не видно. You lie on the lawn and you are invisible

    Shapok: Мы бросаем кошелек на веревочке... We throw a wallet with a string attached...

    Shapok: Прохожий нагибается, а кошелек убегает. The passerby beeeends down, but the wallet runs away!

    Shapok: Здорово? Здорово, а? great? Great, eh?

    Gena: - Нет, не здорово. No. It's not great.
    Girl: И даже очень глупо! It's actually quite stupid!

    Shapok: - Что? Тогда я объявляю вам войну! Привет! What? In that case I declare war! Good day!

    Lion: - Лев. Лев Чандр. Lion. Lion Chander
    gena: - Гена. Крокодил. Мои друзья. Gena. Crocodile. My friends.

    Lion: - Да. А у меня нет друзей. Yeah, I don't have any friends
    Dog: - Гав! Я, я буду с Bами дружить. Woff! I, I will be your friend!

    Lion: Ну, что ж, прекрасно. Теперь я буду не один. Хe-хe. How about that, wonderful. Now I won't be alone no more.

    gena: А вы знаете, сколько в нашем городе живет таких одиноких, как Чандр и Тобик? Do you guys know how many people in our town, live as lonly as Chander and Tobik?

    gena: И никто их не жалеет, когда им бывает грустно. And nobody is there to comfor them when they are sad

    Cheb: - Я хочу помочь им. I want to help them!
    Girl: - И я хочу. Но как? And I want to! But how?

    Gena: - А я уже придумал! Их надо передружить. I have already thought of something! (We need them to Friendy each other ) We need to make them friends!

    Narrator: "И они решили построить домик для тех, у кого нет друзей..." And so they decided to build a house for those who have no friends

    Gena: Стоп! Stop!

    Cheb: - Майна! heave hoe!
    Girl: - Вира! Timber!

    Gena:- Трави помалу! Lower away easy!
    Girl:- Кантуй! Tilt it!

    Gena: Давай-давай! Go! Go!

    Giraffe: - Скажите, здесь строят дом? Tell me, is it here they are building a house?
    Gena: - Здесь. here!

    Cat: - Вам нужны помощники? Do you need helpers?
    Cheb: - Конечно, нужны! Входи. И вы тоже. Of course we do! Come in! You too!

    Shapok: Караул! Разбойники! Help! Bandits!

    shapok: Порядок! Сюда ему не влезть. Ку-ку! Done deal! He can't climb here. coo-coo!

    Narrator: "Прошло десять дней и домик был готов". 10 days passed and the house stood ready

    Gena: Сейчас Чебурашка скажет вам речь. And now Cheburashka wil hold a speech

    Cheb: - Мы строили-строили и, наконец, построили. Ура-а-а! We built and built, and finally finished! hooorayyyy!

    Gena:- А сейчас мы будем записывать всех, кому нужны друзья. And now we wil write down all who need friends

    Giraffe: - Зачем записывать? Мы уже все подружились! Why write down? We have already become friends!

    - Да-с... Мы действительно подружились на стройке. yes, we truly have become friends here at the contruction site.

    Cheb: Что же это получается? Строили мы, строили, и все напрасно? What came of this? We built and built, and all in vain?

    Girl: - И совсем не напрасно. Это же мы их подружили! And totally not in vain. It was us who made them friends!

    Girl: А здесь будет жить Чебурашка. and here Cheburashka will live

    Girl: Ведь он живет в телефонной будке. Правильно? You see he lives in a telephone booth. Right?

    Gena: - Правильно. Right!
    Cheb: - Нет, нет-нет! No. no, no!

    Cheb: Давайте отдадим этот дом детскому садику. Let's give thise house to a kindergarden!

    cheb: A я там буду работать игрушкой, если меня возьмут. and there I will work as a toy, if they accept me

    Cheb: Я же неизвестно кто. Cause nobody knows what I am

    Gena: - Как это "неизвестно кто"? Очень даже известно. Whatgo you mean you are not known? You are very known!

    Girl: - Мы за тебя попросим. We will ask for you
    All (hmm): - И мы, и мы тоже попросим. And we, we will ask for you

    Gena: Смотрите! Look!

    Cheb: - "Я больше не буду. Шапокляк". I won't do it anymore. Shapoklyak
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  5. #25
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    BTW, did anyone else notice that in this episode Cheburashka can read, but in a later episode he can not (the one about going to school)?
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
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    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  6. #26
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    KV, a few notes: "Темнота" means and illiterate or ignorant person. After finding out that Chebbie is not afraid of rats, Chapeauclaque accuses him of being ignorant-- because he is not afaid of rats . This is obvious from Russian, but lost in English. She can say in translation "You're so dense" or "You must be dumb then" or something like that—you got the idea.

    Я же неизвестно кто. Still nobody knows what I am
    More like 'Cause nobody knows what I am

    Gena: - Как это "неизвестно кто"? Очень даже известно. What's this "not known"? You are very known!
    Maybe "What do you mean, not known?"

    Их надо передружить.
    "пере-" here means "to/with each other". It is not a common word, although it is easily understood by Russians. "We need to make them friends with each other" or "We need to help them meet each other for friendship" -- this is the idea, but you are probably capable of finding a more apt wording.

    Guard speech doesn't sound Ukranian, it is just a local rural pronunciation. You can either make him sound redneck or just make him speak normal English, it is not really important.

  7. #27
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    I've been practicing my scary Shapoklyak laugh, and now my dog is hiding under the sofa

  8. #28
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    Okay, dudes - if you can wait until about the 20th for the recordings, I can do a really sweet job, and actually synch my speech up with the characters movements...I'll be visiting a friend who has the videos, and it'd be easy for me to pop the tape in the VCR with the sound off and record the audio on my laptop while watching.

  9. #29
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    If I sing Shapoklyak's song this way, it fits with the rhythm of the music:
    He who helps oooothers
    just wastes his time, heh heh
    Doing good deeeeeeds
    gets you nowhere, ha ha ha!
    Therefore I advise eeeeeeeveryone
    to do just as
    to do just as does the granny nicknamed Shapoklyak
    to do just as does the granny nicknamed Shapoklyaaaaak!
    Heee...whooo heeeelps...oooothers
    just wastes his time! Ha ha!
    Doing good deeeeeeeeeeds
    gets you nowhere
    gets you nowhere
    geeeets you nowheeeeere!
    (crash, cackling)

  10. #30
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    I've been practicing my scary Shapoklyak laugh, and now my dog is hiding under the sofa
    Here is something cool. Get a copy of the "If you help people" song that she sings. And the part after she says "You will be wasting your time", she does a quick little "ha ha". If you slow that laugh down, it sounds just like the laugh at the beginning of ZZ Top's "La Grange". It's really weird. Ya'll should try it.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Линдзи
    If I sing Shapoklyak's song this way, it fits with the rhythm of the music:
    He who helps oooothers
    just wastes his time, heh heh
    Doing good deeeeeeds
    gets you nowhere, ha ha ha!
    Therefore I advise eeeeeeeveryone
    to do just as
    to do just as does the granny nicknamed Shapoklyak
    to do just as does the granny nicknamed Shapoklyaaaaak!
    Heee...whooo heeeelps...oooothers
    just wastes his time! Ha ha!
    Doing good deeeeeeeeeeds
    gets you nowhere
    gets you nowhere
    geeeets you nowheeeeere!
    (crash, cackling)
    Excellent! You da woman!

    Sure, there is no hurry, I just need to complete this before I go on my vacation to Norway around Augsut 20th!

    I spoke with some female friends, and if I don't get any more female volunteers, they will help out.

    This is going to be good

    PS: thanks for the corrections "translations"
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
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    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  12. #32
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    Is there any character left? ^^

  13. #33
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    Hey, out of curiousity - have you guys figured out how to separate the voice track from the music and ambient sound track? Or are you going to have to make new sound effects, too?

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie

    Excellent! You da woman!

    Sure, there is no hurry, I just need to complete this before I go on my vacation to Norway around Augsut 20th!

    I spoke with some female friends, and if I don't get any more female volunteers, they will help out.

    This is going to be good

    PS: thanks for the corrections "translations"
    I actually found a lot of the audio from the first episode on this site:
    Are you doing all the eppies, or just the first one?

  15. #35
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Souljacker
    Is there any character left? ^^
    Of course! I take it, with the size of your beard, that you are a male voice?
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Линдзи
    I actually found a lot of the audio from the first episode on this site:
    Are you doing all the eppies, or just the first one?
    We are just doing the first episode, I think that would be sufficent for now

    Anf about the sound effects, I was thinking of doing the simple Russian way, by lowering the original soundtrack and have voice-over... I don't know how else to do it.
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  17. #37
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    Just curious... Was the Project finished?
    It was a nice idea and I watched the process with interest. But then the thread abruptly came to the end. Did you abandon it?

  18. #38
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    думаю, племяннице не понравился мульт, поэтому продолжать небыло смысла
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  19. #39
    Старший оракул
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    Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
    Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Just curious... Was the Project finished?
    It was a nice idea and I watched the process with interest. But then the thread abruptly came to the end. Did you abandon it?
    The project was abandoned, it was doomed from the start. Couldn't get enough voices, logistical problems, promises unkept, quality not as good I had hoped for, etc. Actually, it is rather sad
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

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