Yes the Vatican has a seat in the UN where they push for a Catholic agenda. Several Islamic countries (run by Islamic clerics) also have seats in the UN where they push an Islamic agenda. A Jewish country has a seat in the UN and pushes their agenda. Hmmm, which one doesn't have a right to be there?

America has been more of a hinderence to world contraception than the Vatican. In his suck-up to the religious right (largely made up of evangelical protestants) Bush has threatened to stop American funding and loans to countries or organizations that distribute or promote contraceptives.

And here's a big reality check for you. Abstinence is better than condoms to prevent AIDS. Condoms slip, leak and break. Some are defective and have microscopic holes in them. How do I know this? I worked for 7 years at one of the world's leading AIDS research and treatment clinics. I lost count of the numbers of people who insisted their test results were wrong because they used condoms and everybody knows condoms prevent AIDS. Are condoms better than nothing in a risky situation? Yes. But if two people are celebate before they get together and stay only with each other as sexual partners, then their risk of getting AIDS is 0%.
So the Vatican is actually telling the truth about condoms and extramaital sex.

As for a Catholic church in El Salvador sending buses of demonstrators to protest in their own country, that is a freedom of civil rights that we Americans defend and promote. You have the right to protest and lobby for what you believe in and if your country's government listens to you it is not a sin or conspiracy of your church or religion. It's called democracy. (did you think the Vatican flew little Italian kids to El Salvador to protest )