Quote Originally Posted by JB
And exactly where is this statement by JP2 published? The Catholic Church has doctrine that it against their belief to use birth control and against their belief to have sex outside of marriage. But I have never seen or heard any statement by JP2 that people who are married and have AIDS should not use condoms or that people who are engaging in extramarital sex should should not use condoms.
He said no condoms, no sex outside of marriage. He didn't then say "But it's OK for married couples where one might have AIDS".

We are not saying he wanted them to get AIDS, but when you have that much respect from people, you should be very careful about your teachings. If I said don't use condoms it's OK, cos no one's gonna listen to me. That's the thing, JPII was so reluctant to make any modernisations, that by doing so he he has effectively orphaned thousands of kids.

I have been studiny the fall of communism recently at University. None of the lectures, and none of the books mention JPII. In fact the first time I heard his name mention in relation to it was when he was about to die. People were practically saying he single handedly brought down the iron curtain.