I've been giving you educated answers for days now but you don't know/ don't comprehend Christian history and refuse to look it up. You keep insisting that your copy of only one bible translation (King James) and your personal interpretation are the only references necessary to "prove" that the Catholic Church and it's leaders are out to take over the world .

Why did the media spend so much time covering the Pope's death? Because millions of people all over the world wanted to watch it. Why did so many world leaders and their representatives show up at the funeral? Because millions of people all over the world were watching it. Why did the Vatican allow news cameras into previously forbidden places and private rituals? Because it's great PR for a business venture that is in poor health in the financial ($ losses in stocks and conversion to Euro, plus decreasing public donations)and public perception (priest child molestation scandles) arenas.

The people on this forum were recognizing JP2 for the good things he did. Discussing your own opinion of the Catholic Church's doctrine on infallibility really doesn't have anything to do with JP2 being a good man or an evil man. He did not write the doctrine, he didn't hold any ecumenical councils to rally the world to accept it, and he certainly didn't use it as an excuse or weapon within his own church to justify any of his decisions or behaviors. Your ranting against the man was an illogical personal attack that has more to do with your personal hatred of the Catholics than it has to do with any crimes committed by John Paul 2.