The papacy preaches that Mary ascended (the assumption) to heaven the same way as Jesus and is a co-redeemer. Currently, the church recognizes four Marian dogmas. The most important of these, Mary's divine maternity, was defined by the Council of Ephesus in 431, granting that Mary is rightly called "God-bearer" because she was the mother of Christ. Later dogmas declared Mary's perpetual virginity (649), Immaculate Conception (1854), and Bodily Assumption (1950).
Now none of this is scriptural so why believe it?

Why should I believe that Mary was assumed, I ask? The Catholic almost invariably responds with a variation on the idea that I should believe this because the Church says I should, that I can't understand until I'm within the Church, and that the Church's beliefs have been vindicated over time

The papacy clearly believes that priests are to hear confessions. There is no scriptural authority for this. We can go and should go straight to God for this. The papacy was so corrupt that they even instituted a fee for the abolition of sins. For hundreds of years monks and friars fleeced the people for the forgiveness of their sins. This is well known and part of the reason for the reformation.

Given the situation it is not likely that "all Catholics are representatives of God". More likely to be reps for someone else.

Besides, I present evidence of papal herecies in my posts and you ignore them (such as the popes doctrine that he can change scripture). That should be enough to make any rational mind drop that church like a hot potato. But I suppose that if burning women and children at the stake doesn't bother you nothing will.