Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
Your comment about AIDS and not using condoms is just stupid. It sounds like the Pope is trying to spread AIDS which is of course wrong.
According to the Catholic religion, the use of contraceptives is a sin, sex before marriage is a sin, and extramarital sex is a sin. If everyone followed all three of these rules, then there would be no spread of AIDS.

That works in nicely in America but in Catholic areas of Africa you have married couples where one spouse is infecting the other with HIV because the Vatican says condoms are a sin.
You have organisations trying to promote safe sex in vain, because the church is telling people to ignore them.

I understand, although do not agree, on the general idea of not having sex before marriage, or the sanctity of sex. What I don't understand and abhore is the stupid backward, Catholic view on contraception and even masturbation. In reality, what guy hasn't masturbated? Their view on contraception is just dangerous in the modern world.

The Pope thought that no sex before marriage and no contraception was the way to lead a happy life. But is having testicles like plums or 12 kids really happiness?

A recent survey of American Catholics:

63% Think priests should be able to marry

75% Think that contraception should be allowed

55% Think they women priests should be allowed.