You are missing my point, Geoduck. It would be ridiculous to do a TV story on the death of my leatherworker, so why is it not ridiculous to do a huge story on the pope's death? But the one thing that is getting on my nerves is everyone saying they're so sad the pope died when they're not even Catholics, don't even know the guy personally, and wouldn't even have known or cared if the TV didn't tell them.

Well, Pravit, why should anything be more important than anything else? Huh? Please explain why my shoe is less important than the northern hemisphere?
There are plenty of things more important than something else, the point is, both the Pope and the leatherworker are dead men. Why are a bunch of people who didn't even think about the pope's existence(unless someone tried to assassinate him or something) suddenly acting like they care? I am not going into importance here. Obviously a man who wears a pointy hat must be more important than a man who makes shoes. My point is - why judge the value of their lives and the meaning of their deaths?

Why is it any more logical to think that all human life is equally valuable than to think that some are more important than others?
It is not.

To believe that there is only one right answer to this is to admit that you have unquestioningly accepted a social value as a universal truth.
When did I say there is only one right answer?

is to admit that you have unquestioningly accepted a social value as a universal truth.
No it isn't.