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Thread: Please... MORE software download help!!!

  1. #21
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Please... MORE software download help!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeCup
    One more point to consider is what type of displaying equipment for the presentation will be used (a multimedia projector). The main parameter for the projector is its resolution. To be more precise its number of pixels per X and per Y. For most projectors these numbers do not exceed the value of 1000. For more expensive projectors it can be 2000 and for super expensive up to 4000. So if the projector has only 1000 pixels per screen it is no use to use photos with bigger number of pixels in size. In this case you can reduce the number of pixels (and in this way the size) of your photos keeping the quality level as high as you need.
    Coffeecup...Let me see if I understand you correctly. if I change the photos to be 1024x786 pixels, then I can have a smaller file size for the photos and the quality should still be good because "most" projectors can't handle anything better than that anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    remember, I need those step-by-step directions
    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeCup
    I can provide such instructions for example for ACDSee or you can give us the clue what kind of software for graphics you have on your PC.
    If the above is correct, I have Irfanview and I think I have figured out how to change the photos to that size using their software (nice how to videos on YouTube!)

    please let me know if I got this correct and if so, I will start converting the photos right away and hopefully this will help with the monster file size!!! Thanks!!
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  2. #22
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Re: Please... MORE software download help!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    Let me see if I understand you correctly. if I change the photos to be 1024x786 pixels, then I can have a smaller file size for the photos and the quality should still be good because "most" projectors can't handle anything better than that anyway.
    Yes. You have understood me correctly. Most popular projectors are 1024x768 and 1280x1024 (there are also 1280x800 and 1280x720) so if you chose the width for your photos to be 1280 or 1024 it should be Ok. Anyway you can check the result on your PC by running your presentation in a window with corresponding size (1024x768 or 1280x800).
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  3. #23
    Почтенный гражданин bitpicker's Avatar
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    Re: Please... MORE software download help!!!

    Irfan View has a batch conversion mode which can make the resizing of all images you need a matter of seconds. I think there is a batch conversion dialogue in the File menu, IIRC. Just make sure you have unmodified copies of the files elsewhere as a backup, so you don't destroy the files with a wrong parameter.

    Even 1024x768 is only necessary if you use full-screen pictures. If they only take up part of the "slide" (I know prezi has no slides as such), they don't even need to be that big.

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  4. #24
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Please... MORE software download help!!!

    Okay my tech friends... you really have been amazing and I thank you for all of your help and I promise to post a copy of this once it is finished!!

    Here is the NEXT problem..

    We have ALL the photos (about 250 of them) nicely formatted, two 20-30 sec video clips, and a few other very, very short video clips from the Power Point Presentation so she could capture the "movement" of her verbiage, and finally... a custom mp3 track. This all adds up to 4 minutes and 24 seconds... It has been put together in Windows Movie Maker.

    When it is "published" in Movie Maker as a WMV as:
    Variable bit rate
    Display Size: 1024x768
    Aspect ratio 4:3
    Frames per second:30

    The movie plays beautifully. The sound syncs, the photos look amazing (brilliant).

    When we convert it to FLV (because that is the format that Prezi needs)... it comes out looking like garbage! The photos are all blurry and pixelated.

    If I try to override the settings on the converter for the FLV and play with the bit rates and such, the FLV comes out looking amazing... HOWEVER, the movie plays at a snails pace with the sound stopping and staring right along with the video and just is not usable because of it.

    So, once again, I am asking you all for your suggestions and advice. I know that if it comes down to it, she can just toggle out of Prezi and play the video separate and toggle back into Prezi; however, it would look so much smoother and cooler to have it all contained in one program. Not to mention, easier for her!

    So, HOW can I get amazing picture quality on the FLV copy and have it run at a normal speed??

    THANKS!!!! kiss, kiss!!!
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  5. #25
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Re: Please... MORE software download help!!!

    You can try FFmpeg which is free.

    • Click here to download.[/*:m:6a4tqbvl]
    • Unpack it and put "ffmpeg.exe" file into the folder with your video file.[/*:m:6a4tqbvl]
    • Don't forget to make a backup of your video.[/*:m:6a4tqbvl]
    • Create a new file in the same folder (the folder with the video and "ffmpeg.exe") with the name "convert.bat". Ensure that this file has the ".bat" extension which means that this file will be executed when clicked.[/*:m:6a4tqbvl]
    • Using notepad or any similar editor add the following line to your "convert.bat" file:
      ffmpeg -i video_in.mp4 -ar 44100 -ab 32k -f flv -b 1600k -s 1024x768 -y video_out.flv
    • replace "video_in.mp4" with your original video filename and save the "convert.bat"[/*:m:6a4tqbvl]
    • Run the "convert.bat" by clicking it.[/*:m:6a4tqbvl]
    • When conversion will be finished you will get the result "video_out.flv" file in the same folder.[/*:m:6a4tqbvl]

    Also you can vary the bit-rate for the output file (-b 1600k) higher value provides higher quality but the bigger size as well.

    Good luck!
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  6. #26
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Please... MORE software download help!!!


    Thank you for the step-by-step directions.. I was able to follow them very well...

    sadly, the same thing happened. The output plays at a slow speed.

    NOW, I was in the process of uploaded both the the WMV version and the converted version of videos to Photobucket for you to see what I am talking about AND interestingly enough, Photobucket it converts the WMV automatically to FLV and THAT version of the video plays at perfect speed and the quality is not too bad!

    Why is that??? And how can I get the video back down to my computer in FLV? Or convert it as Photobucket does?

    Ugh!! This is sooo frustrating!
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  7. #27
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Re: Please... MORE software download help!!!

    Now we can consider two ways to solve the problem: The first one is to modify the conversion procedure, and the second one is to download flv from photobucket.

    First one: let's decrease frame rate for the output video to 15 fps. To do this you need to add "-r 15" option to the "conversion.bat" as follows:
    ffmpeg -i video_in.mp4 -ar 44100 -ab 32k -f flv -b 1600k -r 15 -s 1024x768 -y video_out.flv
    also you can decrease the resolution from 1024x768 to 640x480 or 320x240 by changing the corresponding option.

    Second one: to download flv video from photobucket there is video downloadhelper addon which works with Firefox browser.
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  8. #28
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Please... MORE software download help!!!


    I cannot thank you all enough for your help over the past few months regarding my daughter's speech. She gave it last week to a packed auditorium (adults were actually sitting in the aisles) and when she finished.... she received a standing ovation! She has already been requested to give more speeches!

    Anyway, the Prezi worked great and for the music video/slide show thing she ended up toggling out of it and playing it directly from the computer and then just toggling back to the Prezi. She had the video in the Prezi so she just jokingly explained to them that it was there in the Prezi, but she wanted them to see the best quality and they laughed and went right along with her...

    So, if you care to watch the music video, it is up on Youtube:
    There are different qualities for you to watch... 360, 480p and 720p.

    EDIT: It might help if I told you what she said prior to the video... during this she was using the Prezi and had graphics to go along with what she was saying.
    If I had a magic wand and could grant each of you a wish right now that would magically change your life, how many of you would take that wish? What would you change about life? Would you move, change how much you weigh, how tall you are, the color of your hair, change your job, or maybe even your significant other? Ummhmm…

    Well as for me, right now, my life is just fine. And yes, you may think it’s that way because I do acting and modeling and get to travel and meet famous people. However, it really is due to the fact that for the past three years I’ve been Learning in and Through the Arts. I’ve been living a smART life. I want you to take a look at this presentation I put together and see what a smART life is like from a student’s point of view.
    You all are just an amazing group of people and I am so very glad I stumbled upon this site! Take a second and give yourself a big pat on the back!
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