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Thread: NonRussian films (work in progress)

  1. #881
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    Question.... Are there IMAX movie theaters in Russia (or wherever you happen to live) and if so how many of them are there? What about regular 3D movie theaters?
    We have only 2 IMAXes in Ukraine, though they promised to open the third one in a year. Regular 3D theatres are more common. We have at least three of them in my city.

  2. #882
    Ace video Rockzmom, I can really relate to that....
    Wasn't familiar with this poet.

  3. #883
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    If you have not seen the movie The King's Speech, I highly recommend it. It is based upon a true story and 60 Minutes did a great piece about the back story and the making of the movie.

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  4. #884
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    I was actually slightly disappointed with The King's Speech! I thought it was a good movie, but in no way had I found it to be an Oscar-winning material.

    PS I can hardly recognize this place after not having been on here for a couple of months! It's nice to see some of the familiar nicknames here, though


  5. #885
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamilion View Post
    ... PS I can hardly recognize this place after not having been on here for a couple of months! It's nice to see some of the familiar nicknames here, though

    Ой, здорово! Приветик, Камка!

  6. #886
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Ой, здорово! Приветик, Камка!

    Как-то тихо здесь! Кажется, что немного людей посещает форум. Жаль! Помню ещё как некоторое время тому назад ежедневно было несколько десятков новых постов. Здесь что-то произошло, или просто форум "натуральной смертью" погиб?
    Извиняюсь за мой русский, у меня сейчас очень редко есть шанс его употреблять и так мало-помалу забываю всё!
    Надеюсь, что дело у Тебя хорошо!

  7. #887
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamilion View Post
    I was actually slightly disappointed with The King's Speech! I thought it was a good movie, but in no way had I found it to be an Oscar-winning material.

    PS I can hardly recognize this place after not having been on here for a couple of months! It's nice to see some of the familiar nicknames here, though

    I'm sorry that you were "slightly disappointed" by the King's Speech. We've talked before how one can watch a film that has soooo much hype and then think "why?" This might have been the case for you. You read and hear so many great things about it in advance and then it is a let down for you. Sadly, it can never live up to the build up or expectation in your mind.

    I think the reason it won so many awards is from a technical point of view. The amount of work and research that went into this film and for Colin Firth to be able to portray Bertie really was remarkable. We are not talking special effects and CGI and all those other things that "Hollywood" has been putting out these last few years, we are talking about a great script, a compelling true story and amazing ACTING. The opening scene, when Bertie is giving his first speech you can feel his panic and shame. You suspend disbelief and you are back in history feeling what it must have been like for this poor man to have to speak in front of his country publicly when he could not do so without making a fool or joke of himself or having the nation feel pity for him. And this is all done by a man who in real life does not suffer from any speech difficulties.

    To be able to create that type of raw emotion and suck the viewers in so quickly, is why this film is so good. It went old school. Back to basics. It just told a story without any bells and whistles.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  8. #888
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom View Post
    I'm sorry that you were "slightly disappointed" by the King's Speech. We've talked before how one can watch a film that has soooo much hype and then think "why?" This might have been the case for you. You read and hear so many great things about it in advance and then it is a let down for you. Sadly, it can never live up to the build up or expectation in your mind.

    I think the reason it won so many awards is from a technical point of view. The amount of work and research that went into this film and for Colin Firth to be able to portray Bertie really was remarkable. We are not talking special effects and CGI and all those other things that "Hollywood" has been putting out these last few years, we are talking about a great script, a compelling true story and amazing ACTING. The opening scene, when Bertie is giving his first speech you can feel his panic and shame. You suspend disbelief and you are back in history feeling what it must have been like for this poor man to have to speak in front of his country publicly when he could not do so without making a fool or joke of himself or having the nation feel pity for him. And this is all done by a man who in real life does not suffer from any speech difficulties.

    To be able to create that type of raw emotion and suck the viewers in so quickly, is why this film is so good. It went old school. Back to basics. It just told a story without any bells and whistles.
    Colin Firth was, indeed, amazing, and his Oscar is well-deserved, in my opinion. Perhaps you're right and the hype is to blame for my being disappointed with the film, but I just didn't find the story too appealing. I mean, sure it was a good movie - I'm in no way trying to deny that, I just wouldn't see it as an Oscar-winning one.
    I was also disappointed with the lack of nomination for "Blue Valentine". Have you seen it, by any chance? It' one of these stories that just gets stuck in your head for day and days, mostly because it's so real. Plus, the acting was brilliant, both Williams and Gosling did an excellent job!

  9. #889
    I was just watching a series called Family Guy for the first time. I know it's famous but I've just never seen it before.
    Why is the little boy speaking English with a phony sounding British accent even though his family is American?

  10. #890
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    I was just watching a series called Family Guy for the first time. I know it's famous but I've just never seen it before.
    Why is the little boy speaking English with a phony sounding British accent even though his family is American?
    Look at that.
    British Accent vs American Accent [Funny] - YouTube

    ... I know I look a bit frightening but at least I sound intelligent.

  11. #891
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Why is the little boy speaking English with a phony sounding British accent even though his family is American?
    Maybe they are mocking the numerous Hollywood movies where the villains and mad scientists always seem to speak with foreign accents? Just a guess.

  12. #892
    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru View Post
    Maybe they are mocking the numerous Hollywood movies where the villains and mad scientists always seem to speak with foreign accents? Just a guess.
    Yes... maybe that's it... He is a bit "evil" though.
    It's kind of funny but not massively so...

    Quote Originally Posted by Family guy
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  13. #893
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexB View Post
    Alexb!!!!!! Thanks for the video!!! Our family was in need of a laugh tonight
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  14. #894
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    I’m glad that you were glad. )
    This one will hopefully make you even gladder. Scotish Irish English American Eleven How you say eleven - YouTube
    I didn’t make out everything the guys said (I wonder if you will) but they were hilarious anyway.

  15. #895
    This clip was not funny for me, because it was incorrect!

    Americans don't seem to be able to distinguish the MASSIVE difference between how educated and non-educated British people speak. In the video that Alex links to, they are only imitating the working class accent, but saying that the person sounds intelligent. They would not sound intelligent to ANY British people! Quite the opposite!

    Two people in Britain might grow up 500 metres (a few hundred yards) apart, and speak with completely different accents because they are from different types of backgrounds. One person will sound educated, intelligent and possibly posh. The other will sound like a blue collar worker. It's a very drastic difference.

    Apparently Americans, like the host in this show, can't tell the difference!

    If anyone is going to speak British English, then the best accent to imitate is that which you hear on BBC, or spoken by people like scientists.

    As an example, the character "Daphne" on Frasier, has a Northern working class accent. Yet Americans think she sounds "posh" and typically English. She definitely does NOT sound posh and her accent is typical only of Manchester.

  16. #896
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post

    Americans don't seem to be able to distinguish the MASSIVE difference between how educated and non-educated British people speak. In the video that Alex links to, they are only imitating the working class accent, but saying that the person sounds intelligent.
    Hanna, Puleassssse... yes we can. It was a FUNNY bit. Americans just like the British or Australian sound, good or bad. You can have a person with a British accent in a commercial and us Americans will go out and buy the stupid product. Have the same commercial with an American from the deep South with a thick Southern drawl and the people up North will probably never buy the product because they will think THAT person is dumb as bricks. I've mentioned before that people in New York always thought less of our office here in Maryland because, we were IN Maryland (which to them is the "south" and a few of the employees had a touch of a southern accent). It didn't matter that our office had three people who passed a industry related senior exam certification and the New York office had none. We were the stupid ones.

    So, to Americans, just hearing a British/Australian accent makes them sound smart, doesn't matter how bad the accent is or well educated they might be or where they come from in the UK. We don't care.

    And most Americans of my generation or older do know of this video as well.

    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  17. #897
    Haha, to each his own!

    I guess it's along the same principles, that everyone believes that a slogan in English is much cooler than a slogan in Swedish/Norwegian/Danish...

    "I'm lovin' it!"

  18. #898
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    Hanna you are too protective
    The guy is a comedian and he makes fun of people and British accent sounds funny, even to some Russians including myself
    The way he imitated Russian accent was funny too "just add 'y' between any two letters an you got it" but I can tell you that he's wrong by the same way he's wrong about British accent. I can tell a difference between imitated Russian accent and real Russian accent in at least 50% of occurances.
    But the way he said it was funny - admit it

  19. #899
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    Well, of course it’s up to you to decide if the clip is funny or not.
    I just thought it had a straightforward answer to your question, had it not?

    “Here in America when it comes to the English we mistake accent with intellect.
    We think they are all smart because no matter what they’re talking about they sound quite intelligent.”

    You said it yourself that according to Americans Daphne sounds posh, didn’t you?
    The boy was meant to be smart, so they made him speak with a phony British accent.
    And again, isn’t it funny already, even without him saying anything funny, for an American boy, whose parents are as American as apple pie, who having just barely been hatched is not supposed to talk at all, to talk with a British accent? I for one think it is.
    You seem to be too serious talking of an unserious subject.

  20. #900
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexB View Post
    I’m glad that you were glad. )
    This one will hopefully make you even gladder. Scotish Irish English American Eleven How you say eleven - YouTube
    I didn’t make out everything the guys said (I wonder if you will) but they were hilarious anyway.
    Another winner Alex!!! You should start a thread of these!!!! Please!!! We do need to all just lighten up and laugh at ourselves (and others) and not be so politically correct all the time. At least with accents, we might be safe from really hurting someone's feelings??
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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