I love Gilmore Girls! It's back on here in Belgium (rerun of season 4). I love the talking, the references (and the fact I seem to grasp most of those references) and, indeed, the real relationships between the characters. I see myself in Rory and would love to be a bit more like Lorelai. Are small towns really like that in the US? I mean the mentality, the town meetings, ...

Now back to Russian movies and books. Has anyone here seen the series Небо и земля (Sky and earth)? I got it from a friend because it's about flight attendants and pilots (I'm a flight attendant so he thought I'd like it) but I was wondering if this is a known or even popular series in Russia. I actually quite enjoy watching it.

And I mentioned books so: Anyone read anything by Liudmila Ulitskaya? I'm reading Казус Кукотского now. Just reached part 2. I like her style.