... ional_Hunt
"Peculiarities of National Hunt" (Russian: Особенности национальной охоты)

It’s not my favorite but classic movie about tradition to drink alcohol (vodka) a lot or even more then a lot. Foreign guy Raivo from Finland write a book about russian hunt. Friend invites him to real hunt. Raivo dreams about special ancient customs, but this hunt is just all-day-long non-stop randan with a lot of fun moments. Raivo doesn’t speak Russian at all. But after drinking he can communicate with non-speaking-finish forester without any problems. It’s interesting that actor Ville Haapasalo who was Raivo in this movie stayed in Russia forever.


1. «Ну вы, блин, даёте..» is really very popular phrase but impossible to translate.
We use this phrase as a comment if somebody’s do something unreal, very strange.

2. Рашн элефант из зэ бэст фрэнд финиш элефант... – «Russian elephant is the best friend of finish elephant»

2. «Тост на охоте должен быть коротким как выстрел. Иначе времени на отдых не останется»
«Hunt toast should be short as a shot. Otherwise it could be not enough time for repose”.
(in this case repose means time for drinking)

3. A lot of short toasts like
«Ну за встречу» - «Well, to meeting» - Cheers
«Ну за дружбу» - «Well, to friendship» Cheers
«Ну, за искусство» - «Well, to Art» - Cheers