I will tell you. Another on here told me. I was very confused.
It is neccessary to form an account with an online image hosting company. IE: somewhere you can store photos online.

This is the one I was given. It is free, and I think it is great.
It is called Photobucket. Here is the url: http://photobucket.com/
Goto the page and form an account. Then log into the account. Add pictures. Then the pictures will be both on your computer and on the image hosting account. When you want to place a photo into a forum thread, open another browser, log into the image hosting account, click on the picture, and in the case of photobucket copy and cut one of the 3 types of image tags. I believe all three work here but I always choose "img" because I am simple like that. EDIT.
1. Cut the "img" tag (or the one you choose) (highlight and "Control C")
(this is an invisible process are you familiar with it?)
2. Enter the forum. Reply to post. In the Reply to post box click "Control V"
This should paste the url img tag.
After this go to the bottom of the screen and hit PREVIEW to see if it works. (you can always edit from there or edit the thread)
Let us all know if you have this working by posting a picture!

I hope this works for you too.

Thanks for that information about Iranians.