Quote Originally Posted by a true arab
you have to have a lot of lessons in ETHICS, MORALS, HOW to DEBATE, and HOW to RESPECT OTHERS.
Hmm...True Arab, if I am walking down a street in your town, and we meet as strangers...will you greet me as a potential enemy, or potential friend?,

How much experience do you actually have with American, British or Aussie cultures? I don't sense much experience. I sense a regurgitation of things you have heard from others, a "party line" and not independent, free-thought based on experience and knowledge. This is my own opinion, and if it's wrong then I am sorry.

But...True Arab, you need to look at your own style and manners, before you chastise others. You have a lot to learn.

Again, your statement reinforces my thinking that you're simply forum-trolling.