Quote Originally Posted by Pioner
saibot, you asked for transition species, I gave you this example. I have no time to discuss it right now, in front of judge, but if 99% of biologists think that Darwinism has a solid ground, may be they are right?

This creature obvously got features of reptile and bird.
The only proof for evolution or Darwinism, has been proven false. If you take away all the lies and false information supporting it, you are left with nothing. Evolution is nothing more than a protected government religion, and the hope is if you say it often enough and loud enough, it will just magically become true. Plus, not only is evolution a dumb idea, but it's a dangerous one at that. Hitler wanted to create the perfect race. He was quoted as saying (I will find the quote) that he is speeding up natural selection (not my definition of natural selection, but the one pertaining to Darwinism) by elimintating inferiors. The shooters a Columbine created a video tape, and one of the boys said "He doesnt deserve the jaw that evolution gave him. Look for it. It wont be on his body." And that same boy wore a t shirt that said "Natural Selection" on it.

Case and point: Evolution is a dumb, false idea, with no solid proof, that destroys the moral fabric of the world.

PS. I would like some definitive confirmation that that creature is a transition organism. Please give me some.