Quote Originally Posted by Pioner
Quote Originally Posted by saibot
How? Tell me how a mutation in a banana is going to make a whale?
That is impossible, but the main idea... a mutation is not enough. There should be many and many of them. And it takes million of years and generations.

In simple case, just an example, totally made up by me, but a demonstration. Originally humans had dark hair. Because they are from Africa, protection agains the sun. They left Africa to Europe, but still had dark hair. Then, there happened a mutation, on female was born with gene which limited amount of melatonin (is that a correct word) in hair. She got "married", whatever cavemen had at that time. She had children, let's say blond as well, and blond girls looked more attractive to men at that time, for whatever reason. So they had more children and gene of blondness start to spread in population, men prefer to take blonds as wifes etc. So blond had more chances to have children.

I personally prefer brunettes, but it is just a made up example. To show the selection after mutation.
Mutations that create an entirely new animal has never been observed. When I see it, I'll believe it. The information you gave is no doubt a mutation, but is the girl now a zebra? No she is still the same organism! It was a variation within a current species.