See.. that's why I love this forum.. Yall really gets down to the shits of the matter.... whatever they are. Sex. Religious bias. Maybe a little honest racial unease...

Science in it's assumed accurate perfection can fit perfectly well in a creation theory pinned on a Christian or Judeo (or the other way around-or how ever that works) God.

The world came into formation how ever many billions of years ago...ok..
A GOD flipped the switch.... ok

So what's with your GOD and my GOD and their GOD-- GOD=GOD

I don't see GOD jumping in with how he or she or it wants to be worshipped. Or even if she or he or it does.

Well the bible...well the Quran...

I see GOD saying... KIDS. shoo shoo go play..

And I see HUMANS making a big ol rediculous fuss of this.