Was wondering what, if any, software for learning Russian anyone could recommend?
Something that has lots of exercises I can use to practice would be best for me, I think.
Was wondering what, if any, software for learning Russian anyone could recommend?
Something that has lots of exercises I can use to practice would be best for me, I think.
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
Both useful, thanks, but not quite what I was after![]()
Looking for something like Rosetta Stone, only good and less expensive![]()
Correct my mistakes and I will give you +1 internets.
Программа "РазгРусс" — тренажёр-экзаменатор понимания разговорного русского языка. Есть версия, содержащая озвучивание каждой учебной фразы и 1200 развивающих звуковых комментариев к действиям пользователя (60 957 K) и версия без звука (756 K). Русский интерфейс. Думаю, полезная штука для изучающих язык.
Позже: Э-э-э, нашла не один недочёт и грубую ошибку ("друг друга" пишется раздельно, а не через дефис). А подборка фраз всё же хорошая.
Ещё позже: Связалась с автором, пообещал учесть мои замечания в версии 600.
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У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (
i can get you rosetta stone for free if you want. Just pm me if you are interested. (not a scam, my library gives it free...)![]()
Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....
Da vero, sono Italiano!
Hi Squirrel
For vocabulary training, I warmly recommend Interlex - and it's totally free.
You can download it here: www.vocab.co.uk .
Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....
Появилась версия 600 программы "РазгРусс".Originally Posted by Zaya
Прикольных звуковых комментариев к действиям пользователя стало почти полторы тысячи.
I wouldn't waste my time on Rosetta Stone! But I suppose it is better than watching re-runs of Lassie Come Home or something.
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
Вышла версия 800 с озвученными заданиями, содержащая 2330 развивающих звуковых комментариев.Originally Posted by Zaya
Вышел "РазгРусс" версии 900. Это столько в программе озвученных фразеологизмов и ещё более 2600 развивающих звуковых комментариев к действиям пользователя.Originally Posted by Zaya
I have become addicted to "Anki" a flashcard tool.
You make your own flashcard and you can add sound and images if you want.
A graph tells you what progress you are making by showing how many cards you have studied and how accurate you are.
It's free and open source.![]()
Download here. http://ichi2.net/anki/whyreview.html
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