Quote Originally Posted by DDT
Therefore in the same way muslims share the blame of mohammed's atrocites because they damn near worship him as if he was god.
There is no other god but God and the Mohammed is the prophet of God.

You would have been beaten with stones in some Arabian country for speaking heresies about worshiping Mohammed as a God.

And I would repeat - Christians have committed much more atrocities in the name of Jesus Crhist than muslims did. Why don't you mention that? Why don't you call all christians terrorists?
Christian inquisitors burned their own people not to mention "heathens" whose deaths score is uncountable. Christians committed genocides of peoples in Southern America during the spanish dominion over the region - whole nations were wiped out, christians killed thousands of people in crusades and generally two world wars were started by the christians.
It was christians who used nuclear weapons on civilians. Why don't anybody say that Christianity is a criminal religion then?
I am an orthodox crhistian myself, but I wouldn't deny the historical facts and use double standards in relation to the Islam.