How can you say isreal is a terrorist state?

Theres a diffrence between Hezbollah Bombing innocent civilians at bus stops with suicide bombers and isreal accidently killing civilains by collateral damage with bombs. Sure accidents happen, soldiers get nervous and sometimes civialians die. Even sometimes there are murders... But 98% of the time, isreal is acting in self defense. Im pretty sure Isreal never send any suicide bombers to perpously target civilians.

Why not bash Russia while you're at it? You going to call Russians terrorists for trying to contain the situation in Chechnya?

So, some civilains in Chechnya die. Zachistki kill a lot of uneeded people. But they kill even more people who deserve it. Russian goverment claims there are never more than 2000 active terrorists in checnya at one time. Most of them right, and then rotate back into the civilian world.

What im saying is, its sad that Chechen, Palistinian, Lebanese civilians have to die. But lets be real. They are the agressors. In 1991 Russia didnt say "Hey chechnya, go ahead, try to break off and be independant... OH JUST KIDDING" and start bombing a bunch of civilians.

As soon as the people of chechnya get rid of this dilousion of some great islamic nation, completely free from Russian control... the sooner there will be peace.

Same goes with Lebenon and Palestine. The sooner they get over the fact that, THERE IS more than just 1 god "allah" and that isreal isnt going anywhere anytime soon, the sooner they can get off their insane radical islamic horse and there will be peace.

And im sure someone is going to post story about how a group of russian soldiers beheaded a suspected sniper in chechnya and sent his disfigured body back to his family. But before you go all hippy on us, please spare the sob story and know that I, or 99% of anyone else who is forced to serve in defense of their country would do the same thing to anyone suspected of killing their brothers.

*Note. Im not a supporter of either Isreal of Lebenon. Isreal wasn't even there 100 years ago, and I can understand how the muslims are mad of the jews presence in the region. But lets be real. The muslims here in both cases are the agressors. How many airplanes has Isreal hijacked? schools have they bombed? suicide bombers have they funded? Thats right hippies. Get over it. Dont start a fight if you can't finish it*