Cool this works for now...
I am curious does anyone have the lyrics in english and Russian for Ddt "last fall"?

I've begun to notice this, but it seems that every russian I meet they like to talk about history, I dont mind at all just they give better history lessons than some of my teachers do.It's actually funny how our school books have differnt dates for things than they do, but then again our books are now 11 years old.

can some on explain what the word "bi" means as in shto-bi, my books says its to wish or in order or to command. I just use it and not really know why.

I'v e also noticed that some Russians dont like me speaking to them in Russian. while most are very please that I even tried to learn the language.

Im going to think of some phrases I use at my work place to speak. I am currentally a cashier and the one I know is ... "kak ya mongu vom pomoch"

I just wanted to know stuff like:
anything else
come back soon
you owe... (I think "vi dozhn" sounds weird "you must"?)
do you ever miss home?
have fun
good luck with work
is that everything?
In my opinion...
what is your favorite...
do you like America so far? vom naravetsah Amerika ??(so far?)
Drive safe
If you dont mind me asking?
what made you decide to come to America?
that 's my boss...
I must get to work
dont worry I work graveyard so I can get away with many things...

my friends Call me Alex why does some of them call me Sasha?isnt that a womans name? I thought they were being insultting but thay say its slang or something.

wheres Dorby he's cool.
thats all for now I'll be back